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Pre Op Advice Needed


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I'm going to see a consultant/surgeon on friday and may need an op,,( for damaged tendons in my arm) as cortisone injections are not an option. If I do need the op, does any one know if I would need to cut down on the weed or abstain alltogether and for how long. Of course I will say I have smoked if I am asked, or should I volunteer the info. Anybody been in a similar situation??




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I'd personally exhaust all the "alternative" therapies before letting anyone near me with a scalpel - I've had too many friends' lives totally fucked by overkeen surgeons, they often make things far worse! I'd recommend a good osteopath, probably with some traditional chinese acupuncture as well - worth a look! - at least they are conscious of the important dictum "at least do no harm" - unlike "conventional" medicine........and I've never met an alternative practitioner who wasn't in favour of medicinal weed use - off the record, they will often advise its use! :unsure:

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personally i just tell them,honesty is best when some fcukers thinking of cutting you up....... ;) i wouldn't have a spliff the day of the op,(unless you need one to calm your nerves,just dont get wasted)but i'd have plenty rolled for after..... lol

i had to get the proffessor/dr to correct my medical notes,

when after telling him i smoke herbal cannabis,he wrote cannabis indica,i just had to tell him that, "no" "i smoke sativa's as i like to function and it helps with pain and by the end of the day,i'm very stoned and can get a full nights painfree sleep"

he was fine with it,and even turned a blind eye(and informed the nurse's) that i was allowed off the ward to visit the "smoker's garden" if i needed.... :unsure:

it was funny walking back onto the ward after a spliff because all the nurse's would be sitting smiling at me,with a sort of "we know what your doing" look on thier faces.....

good luck with the op mr-j,



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Thanks guys,

Farmweb, I've been getting physiotherapy for 6 months and eased up in my job, (a lot of hammering and using air tools) whicn I think caused the damage in the 1st place, but the condition is getting worse, which is why I'm going to see this consultant. I will ask about alternative stuff and see what he's got to say

Once agian Thanks


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-a very few enlightened medics will advise or condone alternative therapies, unfortunately most are totally blinkered to them. If you're going to see this consultant, do so, but seek alternative opinions before submitting yourself to the kinfe! - you may be very pleasantly surprised by what can be achieved, I know I never cease to be amazed by what my acupuncturist has done for me.

An acupuncturist would probably say something very odd sounding like "stagnant energy and phlegm" - and proceed to drain both by use of his needles - end result? - a cure! Many moons ago daughter had a "grumbling appendix" - all the family yelled "have it out, quick" - I 'phoned my acupuncture bod who cheerily said, no problem! - bring her over! - after four deep treatments she was completely recovered - 15 years on, nary a grumble! He explained during the treatment that the Chinese regarded our treatment as crude in the extreme - to them it was simply stagnant energy - a quick "dynorodding" of the meridians by acupuncture needling was all that was necessary! - it really is that good and powerful! :smoke:

ps caveat: avoid nhs "acupuncture" its a crude and often dangerous travesty of the real thing - Traditional Chinese Acupuncture is the fella! - fully trained therapists who understand the immense power they wield with the needles :blub:

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does any one know if I would need to cut down on the weed or abstain

Im not an md but... :blub: I have it on good authority that 'weed is sound' ... 'you can smoke as much as you want' ... 'it doent interact with pre-med or g.a.' ;)

probably not a good time to have red-eye though ...or a 'white'y' lol:smoke:

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hello mrj

firstly with tendon surgery you will be under a general anesthetic for approx 2-3 hours ....depending on damage is your injury a SAAD , the surgery is usually micro so rather than have huge scars you will a series of smaller ones allover the sites to be repaired ,

you do not say how much your smoking but i would cut down so if ya need extra pain relief post op you'll respond quicker , cannabis an pain relievers together can either knock each other out resulting in little or no relief or exacerbate and send ya off to la la land

the aneshtetics will be fine


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  • 4 months later...

I go in for heart surgery on friday(today is monday) and was told by my doctor to stop smoking weed for one week before the surgery, possibly to avoid any problems with anestesia(prolly mis-spelled)

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I have had a few minor ops and i am always upfront re cannabis i am due to go in for a hernia op on my stomach soon they have agreed i can have it done on a day visit so i can control any pain using my prefered method CANNABIS the specailist said its ok. I was supposed to stay in over night but i told them i would refuse any pain control offered hence the co-operation. Be up front is my advice. lol

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just got home, man i wish i had a joint, but i'll have to settle for the vicodin and xanax and celebrex, figures that it takes 3!!!! different pills to take care of what one joint would do on it's own.

this second surgery is at least twice as painful as my first, and i'll have another in another 2 or 3 years.

such is life i suppose....

man i feel like shit

please wish me well buddies :stoned:

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