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Petition To Legalise Cannabis And Other Similar Petitions


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sign this epetition and pass it on to friends websites videos ect.... together we can join other country's that relise cannabis is not this terrible drug that its made out to be!






Edited by Razmattaz
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im not signing anything from .gov websites

+1 :guitar: was on about doing my own petition the other day in chat didnt know if i should be getting peoples names tho

Edited by TRIPPLE B
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest BigWill78

Hi everyone. If your a uk resident then please sign this petition. Only 10,000 signatures so far. Typical of weed smokers that people can't be bothered to sign it. If we get 100,000 then they have to debate it in parliament.

Sign it and send it on to anyone you know that smokes or uses for medical purposes.Post it on your facebook,twitter, my space and anywhere you have contacts. Only UK residents though. Also don't sign it more than once using made up names as that will make us look like clowns and give the government an excuse to doubt its validity.

Lets get this done. I would put the link here but have just tried to post and ridiculously it is telling me that the admin here will not allow me to post it. And this is supposed to be the cannabis community? What a joke. Get yourself to the website below, type in legalise, and sign the one that has 10,000 signatures already. Do it!

how to get to the petition - 'type in gov e petitions in google, click the link, search legalise and sign it. If you can't do that, we don't deserve to have weed legalised'

On a separate note when people say that people that smoke weed are more likely to progress to harder drugs, why does nobody point out the fact that most people try cigarettes and alcohol first so surely that is where the progression starts for everyone. Hammer that point home if you ever in that conversation.

Blazing 17 years and counting.


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Welcome to UK420!

This isn't strictly a 'Cannabis Community'. Although that point has been done to death in many threads over time here. It's a 'Cannabis Growing Community'. This is a problem for the sort of thing you are asking, because no one really wants to draw attention to themselves. This is the reason that links to outside sites aren't generally allowed, it draws attention to this site and its users.

Few people here are trying to Free The Weed or change the world or any of that stuff. Most are just trying to grow better weed in the privacy of their own home/space.

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I've lost count of the number of cannabis petitions I've signed over the years

This is a community and you've just joined , maybe read a bit of the site first ?

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Yeh, welcome to the site dude :)

People are rather tired of petitions too, there's been loads since I have been a member here. Many people say "Fuck you" to legalisation as legalisation tends to suggest restrictions and tax etc. when all we are talking about is a plant etc.

Don't expect to pop in with a petition and have people falling over themselves to sign it. Fuck the law, grow some herb, fuck petitions, draw a picture of a big pair of tits instead, its more pleasurable.

Welcome aboard Will.

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Lets get this done. I would put the link here but have just tried to post and ridiculously it is telling me that the admin here will not allow me to post it. And this is supposed to be the cannabis community? What a joke.

we don't allow live links to governbent controlled websites for security reasons, if you think that's a joke then fair enough but you'll probably find your self more at home on shitebook and twatter ;)

the fact you think your petition will do any good is the real joke, mind the door on your way out

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Guest BigWill78

Yeh, welcome to the site dude :)

People are rather tired of petitions too, there's been loads since I have been a member here. Many people say "Fuck you" to legalisation as legalisation tends to suggest restrictions and tax etc. when all we are talking about is a plant etc.

Don't expect to pop in with a petition and have people falling over themselves to sign it. Fuck the law, grow some herb, fuck petitions, draw a picture of a big pair of tits instead, its more pleasurable.

Welcome aboard Will.

Fair play Lake Palmer. A sensible polite way of putting it mate.

Very funny tit comment. lol.

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Guest BigWill78

Lets get this done. I would put the link here but have just tried to post and ridiculously it is telling me that the admin here will not allow me to post it. And this is supposed to be the cannabis community? What a joke.

we don't allow live links to governbent controlled websites for security reasons, if you think that's a joke then fair enough but you'll probably find your self more at home on shitebook and twatter ;)

the fact you think your petition will do any good is the real joke, mind the door on your way out

For security reasons? What security reasons? You mean your paranoid like Keye and will probably delete this post?

Thought so.

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Lets get this done. I would put the link here but have just tried to post and ridiculously it is telling me that the admin here will not allow me to post it. And this is supposed to be the cannabis community? What a joke.

we don't allow live links to governbent controlled websites for security reasons, if you think that's a joke then fair enough but you'll probably find your self more at home on shitebook and twatter ;)

the fact you think your petition will do any good is the real joke, mind the door on your way out

For security reasons? What security reasons? You mean your paranoid like Keye and will probably delete this post?

Thought so.

You don't understand security concerns of people who could get locked up if their security is compromised ?

Really ? Did you think about it ?

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