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Bt Sets Date For Faster Broadband


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The 1Mbps should allow people to do more with broadband

Thursday, 23 October, 2003

BT has confirmed it is launching a faster high-speed internet service after trials proved successful.

About 50 net providers have signed-up so they can offer a 1Mbps service from 20 November, it said.

More than 80% of the UK can get ADSL broadband, but some will miss out on the faster service because they live too far away from phone exchanges.

Cable firms like NTL and Telewest already offer a 1Mbps connection, but they reach only 40% of the population.

Speedy service

The six-week trials which started in October showed there was a "strong consumer demand" for the faster ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) service, said BT Wholesale's director of products Bruce Stanford.

The 1Mbps is not "rate-adaptive" though, which means people living more than four kilometres from their telephone exchange which has been ADSL-enabled will not be able to get the service at that speed.

Well over a million now have access to high-speed ADSL net access of 512Kbps, which is about 10 times faster than dial-up access.

But there are still areas, particularly outside town and cities that do not have access to ADSL-enabled telephone exchanges offering this kind of connection.

Service providers will be charged a £50 connection fee, or a £35 upgrade fee for existing subscribers to be able to offer their customers the service.

Monthly subscription charges are also likely to be slightly higher.


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We're on a 1mb telewest, but we do quite often get very bad ping. Can't get ADSL unfortunately :alien2: apparently there's not enough customers in our area, I live near Bristol ffs. Oh well

MH, whats the 2mb like, we was thinkin about upgrading, is it worth the extra cash each month?

Take care


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its well worth it mate 4 of us spread the bill here so for £12 amonth or so each its excellent, just make sure you pay the bills on time........ ;)

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More than 80% of the UK can get ADSL broadband, but some will miss out on the faster service because they live too far away from phone exchanges.

Bullshi, When I use to live in the heart of London, couldn't get jack and said they would give it because not interesting for them if they can't make a massive profit. Pfff, 80% would like detials of thsoe figures. Couldn't get 1mp, coudln't get 256k nuffin.


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The only thing your going to do on a 1 to 2 Meg connection is use up your daily 1Gb download limit faster; which i hear is being taken up by most ISPs now.

Really though what are you going to do with a 2 Meg connection ? Most online games max out at a ping of 10-20 ms and after that it comes down to who lives closer to the game server and has the least amount of hops through networks.

Porn ? Well the faster the better but it doesn't justify it...

Mindhunter and his flat mates are on the money though. Only real application would be in a business / multi user environment.

Even then though your only supposed to have one person actually using the connection at a time. Multiple users counts as a "business" in the eyes of BT and Telewest so i hear.

Question though for you all ! Play any online games ? If so which...

- Kafka

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hey kafka

Basically 3 of us here who have I.T related jobs, Linux and microshite gurus and one web designer, 5 pc's on a network, so yes we need 2mb. We had the 512k service then the 1mb and I tell you there is a real difference in bandwidth even with 3 users....it still fecken flies...........;)

:Edit: there is definately no limit on the bandwidth..... :smoke:

Edited by mindhunter
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The only thing your going to do on a 1 to 2 Meg connection is use up your daily 1Gb download limit faster; which i hear is being taken up by most ISPs now.

Forgot about that, thank got i got 526k (or sumit forgot) and no monthly limit. Gone way over 1GB, more like 15 gb a month.


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apparently there's not enough customers in our area, I live near Bristol ffs. Oh well

Problem with ADSL is the contention ration. Usually 50:1 for most house holds. This basically means that you share a "phat download pipe" with 50 other people. If they happen to be online when you are (and all downloading at the same time) then you will get a drastically reduced connection in terms of what it should be.

If your lucky then your the only person in the street with ADSL. Down side though is when other people start to sign up and you notice your connection suddenly getting worse.

Stick with cable. You will always get a standard connection with it. No contention ratios as it works differently.

- Kafka

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Ello mindhunter ;)

Sorry to quote you

Basically 3 of us here who have I.T related jobs, Linux and microshite gurus and one web designer, 5 pc's on a network, so yes we need 2mb. We had the 512k service then the 1mb and I tell you there is a real difference in bandwidth even with 3 users....it still fecken flies...........

Sounds like you need the connection ! Most folks these days have excessive connections to match their excessive turbo charged porn hunting machines.

*Grins* I just realised i sound very jaded...

- Kafka

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their excessive turbo charged porn hunting machines.

You know not all of us are porn obsessed beasts ;) . Also remember how ine USA/Canada, they use to allocate bandwidth at the source as more user tap into the available spool. But now they seem to cap the modems (cable modems). People have been uncapping them and getting a LOT more out of their modems, but apparently you get banned ofr life if they catch you.


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I had 1MB for a bit and there wasnt that much use for it. as had already been said., it was nice seeing downloads at 120k/sec occassionally but 600k is fast enough really.

What I would really like is a faster upstream, only have 128k :wassnnme: too slow really to host a server etc.. I could go to ADSL but a bit too much hassle.

Still I dont understand whats the deal with this announcement. other bb providers have had this and faster connections for a while. You could allready get faster (5mbps or so) adsl from other providers.

Bit behind the times I would say, they should be providing mulit-gigabit optical BB to every home in the country.

Shame that some companies were privatised, it really cuts down on potential for large projects that benefit the country but that dont bring in lots of cash.

Edited by mickle
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Problem with ADSL is the contention ration. Usually 50:1 for most house holds. This basically means that you share a "phat download pipe" with 50 other people. If they happen to be online when you are (and all downloading at the same time) then you will get a drastically reduced connection in terms of what it should be.

If your lucky then your the only person in the street with ADSL. Down side though is when other people start to sign up and you notice your connection suddenly getting worse.

Stick with cable. You will always get a standard connection with it. No contention ratios as it works differently.

umm unless they have changed it in the last couple of years, it works on a very simliar contention system. I used cable for years in canada and the contention problems were huge. I am on adsl now and have never had contention problems, always a maximum transfer rate of 55KB/s. with cable it use to go from about 1 to 125KB/s(faster line obvioulsy) very quickly.

i have not checked on the technology in a couple of years, but i use to work in the telecom's industry as a computer and electronic engineer and i studied them :) it is because of the multiplexing techniques used that people have to contend for the signals in the cable. It is a similiar technology that they first started to use in fibre optics cables 30 years ago. they just improved it lots and were able to adapt it to small gauge wires in the case of adsl, cable already had big enough cables. i find adsl much more stable and resiliant to contention issues, i would never go back to cable now :)

maybe they have just improved all the systems and contention isn't much of a problem any more :)

and somebody else thought the 1gb bandwidth was per month, on bt its per day probably the same on your isp :) i never reach that limit, but for what I do download I would like to be able to download it quicker :)

I listen to internet radio, and somebody(i don't though) is always playing a online game(swg or planetside) on one of the computers about 24 hours a day. I may download about 100-200mb of software a day some times. That totals about 300-500mb max a day :) Theres no lag in the games and the radio never skips :)

If you know of a 5Mb adsl please tell me, but since all adsl lines are leased out from bt(they own all the telephone lines) i find this unlikely :) but they might have figured out how to get it faster privately. maybe a more direct switching center in built up areas.

i just did a quick search and they have not changed the technology and here is a link to some more info


the main part states:

Local contention will show itself more on cable than DSL, as the initial

cable contention is within your immediate locale - ie. the coax outside

passing all the houses - DSL contention applies at the exchange and covers

whatever large area that serves.

so reasoning would be that you would notice more immediate effect if you neighbourgh goes on with cable as opposed to a slower change with adsl spread over a larger area base. probably why my maximum is 55 as opposed to its theoretical 72.25KB/s. I would rather have stability and reliability over a max peak. :)

and the common contention ratio for all non business broadband (adsl and cable) is 50:1 improving to 20:1 and 2Mb if you pay more money to get a business line i think:)

peace and take care :)

Edited by native beats
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you lucky buggers! - here in wurzelshire we can't get any broadband unless you pay a mint for satellite! - and shite BT have also daxed my line, so my max speed is 28k (on a good day!) ;)

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If you know of a 5Mb adsl please tell me, but since all adsl lines are leased out from bt(they own all the telephone lines) i find this unlikely :) but they might have figured out how to get it faster privately. maybe a more direct switching center in built up areas.

Check these out http://www.bulldogdsl.com/ - they have products that burst up to 5mbps or so. Usual ADSL/BB type problems though, the service you can get will really depend which exchange you are connected to.

You are along the right lines about adsl lines but due to LLU (local loop unbundling) regulation the market has been opened up with respect to OLOs (Other Licensed Operators) and they can literally site their own equipment in bts exchanges.

Easynet were a high profile company trying to use their own equipment for fast ADSL, perhaps bulldog use them actually I havent looked into it that much.

odd quote about cable contention over coax though, I think they mean at the upstream router thing that the name of has temporarily escaped me :woot:

I am on cable, the biggest problems isnt contention really, its the bloody transparent proxies :furious:

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