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Twas the night before Christmas

Guest 123456

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Guest 123456

Twas the night before Christmas

and all through the house,

everyone felt shitty

even the mouse.

Mum at the whorehouse

and dad smoking grass,

I'd just settled down

for a nice piece of ass.

When out on the lawn

I heard such a clatter,

I sprung from my piece

to see what's the matter.

Then out on the lawn

I saw a big dick,

I knew in a moment

it must be St. Nick.

He came down the chimney

like a bat out of hell,

I knew in a moment

the fucker had fell.

He filled all our stockings

with Pretzels and beer,

and a big rubber dick

for my brother the queer.

He rose up the chimney

with a thunderous fart,

the son of a bitch

blew the chimney apart.

He swore and he cursed

as he rode out of sight,

piss on you all

and have a hell of a night.....

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