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I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice about medical marijuana and artheritus. My mother has quite bad artheritus, she has had it quite a while, and is due a hip operation because the pain it causes her has got too much. She also suffers from differered pain in her knees and ankles, as well as bad pain in her fingers, which are quite swollen.

She is on some prescribed painkillers, but she mostly gets the pain worst of all when lying down in bed.

For a while I have been working on ways to get some marijuana into her to see if it will make any difference. I made some strong hash brownies, for me and my friends, of which she had one. She said it didnt do anything for her, but she had a very early night and forgot to lock up! (Slept well if I remember rightly lol )

She didn't like the taste much however, and she hates the smell of smoke. She has tried to toke a couple of times, but she hasnt the lungs for it, and so I have been puzzling for a while about what to do.

Recently a friend of mine made another friend a drink of tea, made from the pollen collected at the bottom of his spacecase. My mother is very partial to tea, and if I could make a cannabis tea that wasnt too strong and didnt taste too awefull, I might be able to get her to try it.

Any ideas, etc, would be helpfull ;)


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What about a vaporiser?

A more versatile way would be to make canna-butter.

There is a thread in the cannabis cookbook forum on making it.


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hi ubiquity,

cookies are good to get a goods night sleep,

at the moment i'm out of smoke,and the cookies are getting me through it..

i suffer from severe lowerback pain,sciatica,intercanial hypertension and gout,

and the cookies help .... ;)

i've also got two people who i give cookies to who have had hip operations, and the herb cookies are helping them to get some meaningful sleep.... lol

if you make the butter first,you wont taste the weed in the cookies

and by eating it,the body converts the thc into a natural pain killer(via the liver) that can be upto 20% more potent than when smoked.



Edited by sittingrelaxing
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I had previously thought about both those options, but thanks for the further info. If I could make some cookies or likewise that didnt have an overpowering taste then I think that might help.

I was really hoping for someone who had a recipe for cannabis tea, because I think she would definatly try that. Thanks :band:

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If I could make some cookies or likewise that didnt have an overpowering taste then I think that might help.

Gently simmer the crushed bud in a frying pan with butter and then strain away the bud and use the resulting butter for making the cookies. The THC is absorbed into the fat.

I tried cookies with just the butter and some with the leftover bud and i'd agree that the bud tastes :band: but the butter on its own tastes fine.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the pleasure of knowing both Arthur Itis and Will Power

its a pain thats as personal to the person suffering it .

i wish your mother well with her forthcoming hip replacements

mj is renowned for altering the perspctive of pain but it isnt a cure .it just moves it to another dimension , to let you get on with the basics of life

i have had the pleasure of cookies and choccies .

the cookies where delicious and very effective at getting the much needed sleep

the choccies didnt work as fast as the cookies but the effects were long lasting

the balance of how much and how often is a personal one but injestion is by far the most effective

good luck


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