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The biggest obstacle in our way

Edwin J

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Hello. I hope this topic is ok here, but i wanted to take a little story outta my own life to point out why we are all in so much of a bind over our selected recreational substance.

when i was a kid i didnt know what cannabis was, i didnt care and it didnt really matter to me. However when i started year seven the lies becan to flow from every direction in a forced 'social studies class' which was basically (most of the time) a loada enforced bollocks by the government.

every few weeks we all got forced pamplets bad mouthing the herb and after a while, our little young minds started absorbing the lies. I didnt care that much about weed, i didnt want to stop others takin it but i did class it as something very bad for me and others that could be as dangerous as crack or something.

When i was about 13 i was offered my first toke, if i could make it to a mates house. After a long time of weighing it all up i decided not too, as weed could 'wreck' my life. i regret that choice alot.

My first spliff was at 14 and cost me a fiver (dont laugh i was young, and had a too protected childhood) it was made from a bit of crappy old liverpool resin, the worst kinda a weed in existence. After much resistance from my lungs and my fears of the lies the goverment had put in my mind, i toked a bit. it was rolled crap so i didnt manage that much but it had a strong effect on a virgin. I thought i had been ripped off, weed was supposed to make me trip. i thought it would be like acid, thats how much i believed the propaganda.

I didnt really start tokin properly since about 2  and a half years ago when i was just fifteen, as my bro was kind enough to guide me and help me into the wonderful world of weed. i loved every second of it, and thank him when i can.

Today weed helps me chill, relax and also really think about things that i find important like philosophical questions and other things. I could live without if i had to but weed is the best thing to really get me thinking.

Sorry if your a bit bored of my general weed-fan waffle, but here is my point, the moral of the story if you will:

I thought weed was acid because of the government. i got ripped off for a crap spliff because i had no real idea because the goverment dont sell it through safe channels. if my bro hadnt taken pity on me i might - gasp - be anti weed today. that really scares me. If we want legalisation we need to get the goverment to stop lying to young people, as well as keeping up the lies for older people.

thanks to the goverment i cant even tell my dad i toke for fear he would hate me or send me to a clinic like prince harry was forced to. I thank (insert religious figure here) that i live with my mum who used to smoke it in the 60's. even then she still really looks down on it and wont toke herself anymore. Its shocking seeming as she has 40 bloody fags a day.

thanks for reading. Anyone else got some stories about how the goverment has interfered with there rights with weed?

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Nice story Ed, although unique your story is familiar to us all. This thread could have been posted as an intro in New members, or even Stoners Stories and if I was moderator on this forum I could move it...but Im not...so I can't...but check out other stoners stories for more stories of stoners stoned.

I wish all politics was this simple ;)

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well, sorry if this is the wrong place, but i thought it might have some political value : it (i hope) describes the goverments SHIT drugs policy and the problems it causes.

If you wanna move it, just tell me and ill delete this one and make a new one in the right place.

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there should be a couple of leaflets about suming up the pros and cons of drugs, letting kids make up there own informed minds of the dangers and wonders of drugs

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