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How much do we use for pain


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Hi, I have decided to try cannabis for its medical properties, I havn't touched this stuff for 20 years, and the other day a friend gave me some bud to try from KC Brains "Mind Bender" strain....It was very strong!!!! Tasted like mango and peaches an amazing taste!!!

And nothing like the stuff i got in the old days, need i say it knocked me off my feet, and paranoia came, which i can bear, despite the unpleasantries of paranoia, i was without pain for 4 hours, an amazing thing....

I have tried smoking less of it since then and it does seem to null the pain without the paranoia slipping in...

Does anyone have any ideas how much one should take of this stuff, what is a good medicinal strain ? And is paranoia part and parcel of Mj? Or does the paranoia fade after one gets used to this stuff?

It is far stronger than i remember....

Peace and good health to you all

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Hi musicalgrant,

Depending on what you suffer will depend on the amount you feel that you need.

Some people may induce cannabis through cakes, biscuits etc and only use little amounts. An eigth may last them quite some time by doing it this way especially if they are a none smoker.

As for the paranoia it's all phsychological (excuse the spelling :ouch: ) The way one would get passed the paranoia would be to not smoke in a public place and be in a comfortable environment that suits you.

I tend to smoke in my house in front of the box as this way I know that I won't be disturbed and have any unwelcomed guests ;)

Cannabis nowadays is very much a socialising drug as is alcahol. Alot of people have learnt to accept the drug. If you realise this then the paranoia just kinda slips away. I'm not saying that it works for everyone but it helps me along my way :rolleyes:

To counter-act my pain (arthritis) I tend to smoke about 5 J's a day. I probably don't need so much but hey, if you enjoy the buzz then why not :woot:

I hope this has helped some what

Take care M8e


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Yep, i suffer from cerviacal spondylosis in 1st and 4th vertabrea, quite painfull at times, but yes Mj seems to be working, I just hope i can get off the pills this doctor has had me on, I seem to have got off the strong painkillers so far...its the muscle relaxents that i want to come off as they make me feel like a :ouch: , dull brain lol...

Thanks for the replies..

Peace to ya all :innocent:

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Well, MG, it's like How long is a piece of string?

Depends on Strain, Tolerance, Weight, etc, etc.....

But as MJ is not lethal, nor toxic, well, you can have fun finding your level!! Paranoia normally means you've slightly overdone it, so I would tone the next spliff down, or rest it halfway....

Hope this helps.

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