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USA : Obama's administration will end lies about medical cannabis


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daily Lobo

12/4/08 Section: Opinion



One change we can expect to see in president-elect Barack Obama's administration is the end of government lies, half-truths and propaganda concerning medical use of cannabis. Due to many government-recorded and verifiable facts, some Americans know the Bush administration's Garrison Courtney, spokesman for the Drug Enforcement Administration, is not telling the truth when he claims "There is no such thing as medical marijuana."

First, the U.S. government supplies patients with cannabis and has for many years, including stockbroker Irv Rosenfeld, who tours America speaking about the fact.

Second, it's not possible to honestly acknowledge Marinol and deny medicinal use of cannabis in the same conversation. Marinol pills attempt what the plant is capable of. Third, there are too many reputable medical studies proving cannabis' efficacy to deny it. In fact, there are more than 5,000 years of documented medicinal use of cannabis.

Further, Obama said he would stop financing the federal government's attacks on California's medical cannabis dispensaries, which may help states make the plant available without using the black market.

Stan White

Daily Lobo reader



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Good clip podgy, so far I really like this guy - lets see what changes he makes. Has to be better than the current administration. There are some conspiracy theorists who believe that the bush admin. has given the go ahead to Israel to bomb Iran, be interesting to see if it happens before the changeover, as the know that Obhama won't stand behind them

Hey Podgy, hope you ran the change in avatar by the powers that be :D


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spot on where he compares marijuana with morphine when used in palliative care .. lets hope he does'nt do what most politicians do after they gain power .. a great big u turn .. :D

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Does anyone else apart from me find it slightly ironic that america was started from the puritans leaving the uk as it was too Liberal (i know that statement is a gross simplification), and now it seems as if the are more liberal than us?

it really is a funny old world B)


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Unfortunately green machine depending on your postal code I suspect you'll still find quite a bit of those pruitans still around :guitar:

Here's another compliation vid of things Obama has said upto the election regarding his position on drug laws... It's kinda long, but I think what he's said need's to be heard, and hopefully he'll try to back it up...

Well it won't post but you can hit youtube and type in "obama weed" and get a really good idea of what he's said on the topic...

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I was willing to give obama a chance but after he chose hilary clinton as secretary I've lost all faith in him.

kinda funny how they had the most opposing views on foreign policy and he puts her in there where her views on the matter can have the most influence???

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Don't hold your breath. Obama's choice for 'Drug Czar' is likely to be Jim Ramstad. So much for 'change'. So much for 'hope'.

Ramstad is a Republican, and notably voted against needle exchanges in 1999, in spite of the evidence that they save lives and prevent the spread of HIV. His vote may well have resulted in needless deaths - even as late as 2007 Washington DC still had no provision for needle-exchanges, thanks to votes like Ramsted's.

Ramstad opposes medical marijuana against the evidence, and supports federal raids on providers and patients, against the provisions of state law. He doesn't believe that addicts have rights unless they are in treatment programmes.

If Ramsted is chosen by Obama's administration, I am hoping that his views will be shaped by more progressive elements, and that he won't persuade the administration to do things his way...

Edited by Eddiesilence
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