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Doctors letters for medi weed!


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Just wondering what everyones view is on this subject, i'd like to share mine!! Firstly i have told my doctor i use cannabis for pain relief and he said 'thats fine if thats what you want to do' now i know in my case it has taken me about 2 years seeing him regularly to divulge this to him, i was worried about all sorts, would he think i was a 'druggie', would he stop my tablets, who would he tell? all of these things were very real concerns to me, as i said it took me a long time to tell him. My point is that there has to be another way to 'approve' people for medi-weed, prescriptions, tablet boxes, benefit books, hospital letters and your problems in your own words could all be used instead, i think its very harsh asking your doctor to condone your illegal use of cannabis, you are asking them to be liable if anything happens, picture this: if for some reason you were seriously injured as a direct result of weed use, for example walking in front of a car, now if your family didnt know that you used it who would they blame? The doctor who has given you a letter for medi weed could find himself/herself in serious trouble, i regularly receive weed in the post, i have never met him but have had several email conversations and spoken to him once on the phone, he has trusted me that i am a genuine medical user, i have also offered to send photocopies of all my documents which i couldnt do if i wasnt sick. I also think that the only person that can tell you if you NEED cannabis for medical reasons is yourself, i know more about my back and other things than any doctor ive met, would be interested to hear peoples opinions on this one, all that ive said is just my particular opinion/situation so anyone with a view feel free id like to get lots of peoples opinions! All the best BBB

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-sounds like you've found a very rare beast, a doctor who's read the Hippocratic oath - he's putting you, and your health in front of all other considerations! - would that they were all like that! :yinyang:

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hey bbb if ya go the lancashire evening post section you will see a pro forum thats going to a meeting on the twentieth

and big up for your doctor ....like mine you seem to have found and honest one


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