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Ahhh Time.... lol

"Time goes, you say..Ah, no!

Alas, Time stays, we go"........(Henry Austin Dobson The Paradox of Time)

Can't remember where I heard this, always stuck in my mind though.

A life's work eh? That is certainly a beautiful gift to bequeath future generations. I am myself a believer in leaving a contribution to the future.... I like to think that my own work will also be an inspiration when I am gone. As was the piece of old marquetry that eeked my curiosity lol Did that person think about his influence I wonder? I would also like to think that some bud stashed in one of the stash boxes I have made , will turn up , well cured in the time to come lol

Regards "a great failure of the modern age".... to me, the modern age has left modern man idle..there are so many things to make life easy in this age. I know that I am gonna have a multitude of people telling me how wrong I am. But if you have a passion, you will find time. I try to encourage people to find and follow their passions... as there is nothing more awful than regrets about what could have been, if only..... Regrets like that cannot be corrected as the time has gone lol So before that remorse kicks in...DO IT! It can only lead to a happier more content life as we then have a sense of achievement.

You shouldn't feel sad Blazy.. time is what we make of it. You certainly have made good use of it.

And anyone who cannot find 30 minutes in a day to follow their passions needs to take a step back and examine their lives.... ( I sense a lotta shit being thrown at me here ) Modern life has given us plenty of time saving devices..and lots of fat butts from sitting on them too much..

Don't let regret even enter your thoughts.

This bit is aimed at those who can't find time..PULL YER FINGER OUT! ..... cos you may be a major future influence :D

Sorry Blazy.. lol but I had to say it . Oh yeah...

hearts and personal hand drawings mean a lot to us ladies :wub: Knowing that someone thinks enough of you to take the time to produce a piece of your own work, instead of phoning InterFlora or picking up a box of special offer choccies, well, you can't beat it.... means so much more.


Edited by powerband
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Thanks peps. I appreciate it mate. You'll know that stuff doesn't come naturally then. It's taken a good few pieces of wasted paper for me to be able to do that. lol

Thanks for the kind words Lady and gents.


hah, that's answered my question then!!

absolutely stunning drawings!, i love the sour with eagles metaphor

nice work blayz'd, you ever thought about finding employment as a tatooist? i think you'd do well at it.

and this was my second question :smokin:

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Sorry Blazy.. :mashed: but I had to say it . Oh yeah...

hearts and personal hand drawings mean a lot to us ladies :mashed: Knowing that someone thinks enough of you to take the time to produce a piece of your own work, instead of phoning InterFlora or picking up a box of special offer choccies, well, you can't beat it.... means so much more.

There's no such thing as off topic in here darlin. Anyone can say what they like or take conversation where ever. It'll always come good in the end.

I agree too. About all of that. I wonder whether people think about influence they'll have through what they do too. Interesting when you think about it man. Makes you wonder what people are saying and why. Whether they wondered who would see what they've done. If they wondered what would become of the things they created, or if they hoped it would inspire others to play with paint or words. It's interesting to think about. The stash boxes you make should last 100s of years PB. Imagine the lives they will have, the things they will see, what they might contain and where they will end up. Interesting ain't it. I agree about the time too. Tis the harsh but true reality. :mashed:

I never thought about it like that before. From a woman perspective. Drawing a picture doesn't really mean anything to me. I do it all the time. :mashed: So I've been giving stuff to girls for ages and it's like giving them a truck full of flowers? :mashed: Fucking hell. Never even thought about it like that. That explains the reactions then. Sometimes I think to myself "calm down, it's just a drawing" To them it means more. Especially when it's hearts and stuff :B): Good thinking.

Thanks peps. I appreciate it mate. You'll know that stuff doesn't come naturally then. It's taken a good few pieces of wasted paper for me to be able to do that.

Thanks for the kind words Lady and gents.

hah, that's answered my question then!!

absolutely stunning drawings!, i love the sour with eagles metaphor

nice work blayz'd, you ever thought about finding employment as a tatooist? i think you'd do well at it.

and this was my second question lol

Yeah, I've done 4 tattoos on myself so far lol I posted the first ever tattoo I did (on my own leg :g: ) in the tattoo thread on here. I'm probably good enough now to practice on some of the boys who are on my case about it. The koi I outlined, which was the last one I did looks sweet as, we'll have to wait and see if it's still good when I shade it. Ain't as easy as I thought it would be though. I'll get there. Glad you like them things I posted too mate. I like that poem. I wrote that one for when I die and loved ones go through all my stuff. I wrote that for whoever is left to go through everything. I write more than I draw I think. Must be into millions of words on paper now. One day I might organise all the loose pieces of paper and make a book of some kind.

I'll post up some other stuff next week when I'm back in my usual swing. Got some mad trichome pictures. Pacman posted a picture. I basically looked at it for 30 seconds and shut it down. Plus I still have the one pac did in my head. So I did my own interpretation through whatever it gave me when I saw it. I'll post em up next week.

Here's some others I have. Did these ages ago. First two are real ink and dip pen just quick sketches trying to practice with the ink. Hard work this ink stuff. The other one is a quick sketch. Couple minutes maybe, love how it looks though. Would translate to a tattoo nicely. Got the 3d look going on. I like that.


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Here's those trichome ones I did... and a couple others from the same book.


I love that face one. Looks sick that does. Looks like one of those face plates you might see off an ancient greek battlefield.

Edited by Blayz'd
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Happens to me all the time mate. My skill on paper doesn't match the pictures I can make with imagination either. Nearly everything I do I don't think about really. I just draw from nothing. Stuff tends to just take shape. Rarely think about it before hand, or imagine it first. Just start with a line or two and go from there.

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Yeah... I got a fair few lol i will post some in the next couple days mate. Wanted to trip and draw last shroom season but couldnt find anything. Wheres all the acid that used to be around when i was a kid eh.

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Nope never seen it smarts. I will find it and see at some point probably. Haven't been very involved with graffiti for a long time. Still love drawing words and letters though. Thanks man. Alright SilC. Been away man.. enough said lol

I was gonna upload some pics but checking through my phone they come out a shit quality. Not sure why. I'll have to rephoto everything with my proper camera. Here's one to show what I mean but shit quality.... and another I liked cos it's simple and effective. I have maybe 100s of new things. A few big A3 full on ones like in the first couple posts and a new style I discovered too. That will have to wait for another day though. lol crazy looking face that. Bad quality on the phone ain't it. I get you some better ones and photo all the stuff I like too.



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A3, pencil first, then more bic pen.

i convince myself i can draw, then i see work like this.

AAAmazing. must have taken u hrs! geddon man, uve a talent.

p.s. Bic rules!

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