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Just been reading some of the old threads on the `negative` side of smoking dope....In my experience and IMHO it *IS* addictive.  

To most smokers being stoned is a great feeling, and it enhances your appreciation of music, food, `sex`:oldtoker: etc - so it follows that this is something you will want to do again and again. I've been smoking now daily for 10 years or so, and going without is as far as I'm concerned a _no no_.

I'd even go as far as to say that certainly in some cases (and I talk for myself here) it does affect social skills (as long as it's good strong bud   :mad: ) But who's to say what is a healthy level of social interaction? And who's to say that interaction has to involve going out to the pub every bloody night and getting pissed with your mates?! After all, this is what a lot of 'normal healthy people' do.

The point here though is you are who you are. Some people have a predisposition to addiction, some people don't. Figure out who you are and whether you're enjoying what you do or whether you do it because the trees have become bigger than the woods...

I love it too much, even though I know it affects my social life. Ya know how it is, phone rings. Should I answer it, shouldnt I? Really cant be fucked....

Hope that made some kind of sense to some of you..spark one up for me :guitar:


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I have only been smoking properly (every day) for about 6 months and have noticed some of my mates who don't smoke it complain that I dont go out to the pub as much, and that I sit at home on my own smoking.

It's true that I don't go to the pub as much, but I don't sit at home on my own I have met loads of people through smoking and just chill out more with them now.

I think it's to do with the old problem of the perception of cannabis. To me drinking is worse for your health, messes you up for the next day and makes people violent. Smoking is cheaper (i gotta spend at least £30 to get properly pissed) and produces better social interaction.

I don't think im addicted but i definately miss a spliff at night if I don't have any. But at the end of the day it's no worse than people comming home after work and having a few beers and a glass of wine.

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hi folks

Ya, stoned cannot be fucked answering phoned etc... thats true but i would rather see you do that, than some drunk in the same situation but cannot stand the ringing any more than smash`s the phone becouse of drink i have said it loads of times if none smokers could smoke or eat cannabis for one night thay would realize how bad drink realy is compered to Cannabis.

The amount of unwanted kids and other abusive acts like marriges though drink and countless deaths and homes broken becouse of posion drink, am no saint but there is a diffrence between a person sitting there on drink shouting `lets kill and fight and war` then a stoner saying `war, cannot be fucked`.

So i say carry on as u are, no worries also mybe you have just found out that you like your own company :oldtoker:


:peace:  on u all

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Here Here!! :thumbs:

I can relate to everything i have just read

synack, that made perfect sense, I also started smoking about 10 years ago. now when bud runs dry i really feel it i would admit that i was mentally addicted to weed, However i do not feel that is a bad thing :guitar:

reefman, i started just the same way and i wouldnt have had it any other way  :peace:

bongme, Ive been with my partner 5 years now she classed weed as a drug and had been taught the "Just Say No" pholosophy, so i had to smoke in secret where and when i could. it toke me till six months ago till i conviced her to start smoking. now shes gone from just say no to skinup will ya (says its good for her period pains) :oldtoker:

:peace: JJ

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hi JJ and All

Am Glad to hear that your good lady has become a stoner and she enjoys the benifits of the great herb and i suppose the are a couple of things to like you can now watch t.v. etc... in peace and stoned and also you and your misses have something new in commen :dj:  and thats great she rolls hay man your doing great :oldtoker::guitar:  are you growing the weed togeather ?



am sorry if me answer come out all wobbly me illness and stoned etc... evening time u c  ;)

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dependance, not addiction is the term I would use!  Yeah going without sucks monkey chowder, but I force myself to take a week off every couple of months - just to keep it real and save a bit of dollar!

And pot has IMPROVED my social situation.  I have met many people for the first time at parties etc and sat talking to them for hours!  Start with weed and you will find that you have so much in common with SO MANY people!

If any of you feel you need to brush up on your social skills in amongst a group of friendly stoners, then get yer butts to my party - see free for all for details

:D  lol

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i believe this statement by Allen Long sums this debate up..

"Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope"

to those of us who like/need (for medical reasons) its effects, we can come to rely on it. Regular use of anything makes it a part of your "normal" life. That doesnt make it addicitive.  My car is not a necessity, but when i had to go without one for 3 months i nearly lapsed into seizures at the prospect of having to run my errands by public transport! ;-)  Its just a really useful drug in so many ways, but not, imho, addictive. At least, no more that any habit you acquire.. like biting your fingernails, etc.

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Weed is only as addictive as say

1) other peoples food (eg at a resturant, your mates curry is always better than yours)

2) SEX

3) thinking

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After 35 years or so toking, I gotta agree with Maddog.

Its like tea or coffee, a habit you build into the fabric of your life. And its no way addictive as, say tobacco, cocaine or opium - I know, been there & done it.

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Totally Mr Layne!  I'm beginning to think testosterone is addictive!  Stayed at my girlfriends last night and she is SUCH a tease!  Im certainly addicted to her!

Weed does just improve other things.  Last night Kirsty cooked for me, and we drank loads of red wine, smoked a few fat Js and listened to loads of chilled music by candle light!

It was BLISSFULL!  :peace:

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Nice to see youve found love again splan ;)

There is nothing better than a good smoke and a good woman  to share it with :satisfied:

high bongme m8

you and your misses have something new in commen

since she started smoking we've got loads more in common, music PS2 puter. mad ah :(

"Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope"

maddog love the quote, that is so true:)

:peace: JJ

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Dunno about 'love' just yet, she is a very special girl, but im trying not to get too attached.  She is going travelling for a year in December, so I need to keep that in mind!

But that's ages away yet!  She was going to move to Dorset in April, but has now decided not too.  I am sure I didn't influence the decision, but I can't say i'm not pleased about the outcome  ;)

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Show her how it is mate. ;)

Give her some o' that Good lovin'!

I've got Barry White's greatest hit's at home if Yer' wanna' borrow it mate.

The walrus of lurvvvve & the love unlimited crew will seal You a night of passion for sure!  :(

Does it work?............Well my wife is seven months pregnant........ so I'll say yeah.

Move over Toni Minaero ...........Splans arrived & is skinnin' up!

Good on Yer' mate.

:peace: ZZ.

Now where did I put that full zip up cream flared trouser suit......I know it's around here somewhere.................

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There was plenty of passion mate, just no consumation  ;)

Kirsty is a demon kisser and she has her tounge pierced - man its horny!

And if Barry White causes sprog infestation then i'll steer well clear thanks!!  :(

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