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I know you will have seen hundreds of these threads around the internet so I thought I would start another one aswell ;)

As I am an official non tobacco smoker, my other half has given me permission to buy a volcano. The digital one if I want it :rofl:

The trouble is, I am scared of spending so much money on something i have never tried and might not even like.

I have bought loads of pipes, bongs, and even a vaporeyez vaporiser, and each one is in the cupboard never to be used again and if I do this with the volcano I will be devestated, not to mention £350 out of pocket :yep:

What are your opinions on the volcano? I have done a search on here and read a few threads but alot of them are from last year. It would be interesting to see if those same people who were new to Volcano's are still using theres?

Is the vapor quite thick in the bag? Or once you inhale it is there nothing to blow out? (does that even make sense :D)

If I do buy one, is there any accessories I should buy with it? I mean, is it worth me buying any extra bags or a special adaptar of some kind instead of realising I want them and having to pay a seperate delivery charge?

Thanks in advance as always for any advice B)

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I've used mine for well over a year every single day.

I love it, don't smoke tobacco and now rarely rarely smoke joints. They don't taste right.

I have the analogue one, prefer it. Both the look of it and the control. I know the digital one has a readout but at the end of the day, it's still the same controller inside. To me, the digi one looks naff. Also, the 'QuikValve' or whatever it is is expensive to re-buy the bags.

With the regular one, you can take the whole valve apart and clean it to like-new with ISO or similar.

The great thing about the Volcano is the adjustment. You can go on 3 to 5ish and have a really fine vapour; nice mellow high but can be still quite 'rushy'. Crank it up all the way to 9 and a thick semi-smoke comes out that will batter you silly. I think most people who say the Volcano didn't touch them, had it set too low.

Also, you can vape bud at 5ish and get high, then put the chamber back on with the same weed and crank up the heat, the high will be different. It's weird, like a distillation of stones at different temperatures.

Look on the net, i paid 270 for the original one and it came with a free book on growing. Unneeded but nice.

e2a: might as well order a few rolls of bags if you get that version. I think the refiller bags for the QuikValve thing are £50 for 3 iirc. I clean mine every week and fit a new bag, so that would get expensive if i didn't have the older version valve.


Edited by Keye
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Fantastic mate, that was the type of post I was after cheers B) :wacko:

You know, your not the first person who has said they prefer the analogue one over the digital one. What is this quick valve? I have had a look around and I keep seeing hints about it but nothing is ever explained properly :huh:

Thanks again buddy B)

edit - Actually, after seeing how much the refiller bags are for the quickvalve I dont think you need to tell me what it is. I wont be buying that version now :blub:

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I am going to blame you now if I dont like it :blub::huh:

I went for the normal version as oppose to the digital version. By doing this I was also able to treat myself to a few little "accessories" like a little roor ashtray etc.

Now is just the anticipation of the arrival. Oh yeah, and pass the credit card back to my wife :wacko:

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Nice choice man, I decided to go with the analouge version also :rofl:

First time I tried it it totally stoned me, my mate almost freaked out on it ;)

I usually start the thing off at 5, then take the weed out, powder it with my finger and put it back in.

That way you get loads more vapour the second run, and at a higher temp :rofl:

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hey bud

I will second everything keye said :rofl: except i am slack n only clean once a month maybe does go better after a clean though.

never tried the digi one but analogue is spot on bro.

its honestly my favourite way of smoking and you can taste your weed so much better. I like the bag coz its like a joint too in the fact you can sit there holding it tooting from it or pass it round a bit too.

you won't regret it if you already toke pure I find its only baccy smokers who dont like it coz they are blinded by their addiction for baccy.

enjoy your bags matey : spliff:

I usually do 3 runs with 1 chamber of weed I start 5.5 then 6 then 6.5 but as said there is so many variations and difference between the settings.

it is possible to reuse the vaped material too but there is not too much juice left in it. can cook or use as filler in joints if desperate/running low on weed.

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Keye, you should be a salesman my man.

You hit the nail on the head and i will be purchasing a analogue one soon B)

I think Uk420 need to start buying wholesales of them and get everyone off baccy and sell them at a cheaper price than there being sold at.

I read a post saying someone on Fleabay was selling them but they were forced to stop because the volcano company wants them to be sold at a global price, or so i read..... Someone else said they cant do that due to EU law or something?

Uk420 best community on the net. :rofl:

Edited by serious_fky
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Good choice all, I hardly ever smoke now, I prefer the feeling of vape in my lungs. If I smoke now the smoke feels heavy.

The good thing about the analogue one is that you get a 3 year warranty as opposed to 2 with the digi.

Enjoy your Vape! I found that it took a while to actually like vaping 100% of the time. For a while I was doing both as it didn't quite seem to hit the spot but then I got used to it (or maybe accepted in my mind that vape is as strong as smoke) and have not looked back.

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I have to agree with Keye and Growndome. I personally have the original version which I have had for over 3 years without a single fault. An extremely well made piece of technology, with German build quality to match.

I tried the new 'digit' version in Amsterdam but I must say that I didn't really like it atall, it feels more delicate and tempremental than the original, also I didn't like the new 'Quikvalve' atall I found it clumbersome and fiddily. The fittings with the 'Quikvalve' lack the build quality of the fittings that come with the original I find aswell.

IMHO namaste666 you have definately made the best decision ordering the original version, I am sure that you will be very happy with it.



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Well just to be different to everyone else I love my digital Volcano and the ability to set the temp exactly is handy, although not that different to using an analogue one.

The main differences between the Classic and Digital is the temperature control mechanisms, the Digital version uses an electronic control that will hold the temp within ± 1,5°C (2,7°F) whereas the classic uses a bi-metal regulator to achieve an accuracy of ± 5°C (9°F). Solid valve everytime, easy to clean and change the bags.

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The old one is called 'Solid Valve' and the new one is called 'Easy Valve'. If you want to read about the difference you can take a look at the Storz and Bickel website (storz-bickel.com), basically the old one is cheaper to run because you can clean the valve and use roasting bags on it.

If you're not averse to fleabay I heard you can get one for about £250 (free postage) if you put a 'best offer' in, it comes up as a private sale so your actual purchase isn't disclosed for everyone to see. About a year ago Storz and Bickel got fleabay to delist discounted Volcanos, I can't remember why.

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Now I am really excited. I wonder if they deliver on a Saturday? Doubtful :blub: Monday will be fine though, it will give me the weekend to get my chores done before I sit with a bag in my hand for a week lol

I have seen one being used in Barney's Breakfast Bar in Dam before but I felt abit paranoid sat watching someone getting stoned so I tried not to stare! :rofl:

Thanks for the great advice again everyone and growndome that is exactly what I wanted to hear :unsure: I like the idea of being able to fill it and pass it if I have a couple of friends round. Passing a bong round or something has ended in disasters in the past but a bag isnt very messy lol

I will let you know how I get on with it when it arrives :wink:

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Namaste666 I will be interested to know what you think as I have been thinking about getting one for a while but always find it hard to justify spending that amount of money. I am getting a bonus from work this month so I may splash out. It all depends on your opinion. (no pressure though)


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it is possible to reuse the vaped material too but there is not too much juice left in it. can cook or use as filler in joints if desperate/running low on weed.

I have managed to do a successful BHO extraction using vaped material...

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Guest bazzad9

original volcano for me

its been running daily for near enough 3 years no problems

its all i use

i wouldnt go back to smoking joints (unless it was the only option)

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