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Are We The Universe?


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After reading a book on Shaolin kung-fu and seeing an tv show about stephen hawking(10/3/08)I sat in a relaxed state and considered the following, When you see a galaxy from a distance or a giant cloud of gas in space they appear as solid singular objects. If you went closer and closer you would see that they are made up of how ever many stars and planets.

Now imagine your stood looking at someone, they appear as a solid sigular object, not only that but you can talk to and touch them.But if you looked through a subatomic microscope you would see millions of particles like stars in the sky. Are we really solid people as we perceive, or is it possible that we are an endless flow of energy and our mind forms the boundrys of our existence, or something else?Any thoughts

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Welcome to UK420 WeedIsFree, I've been green free for a few months now and can't even understand the question straight :yahoo:

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Aye good first post. straight in, no fucking about. I think the universe can be whatever you want it to be. There are no answers yet. to get them, if you get them at all, you have to time travel or die. So yeah you are the universe as far as you know. or we are all the universe. or its someone elses universe and we are passing through. who knows , maybe we'll find out one day then the universe will cease to exist.

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Guest dr rockster

On a physical level we are FAR more energy than physical matter.

If you could look at us on an atomic level we'd look like the universe,small points with MASSIVE distances between them.

You've asked a fundamental philosophical question,which is:

What is a chair? (thats what philosophers used as an example of an everyday object in the 3 dimensional world)

But no,I don't think our minds create and hold our(physical)reality in place but are merely observers in a 3 dimensional plane of existence.

But our 'shape' doesnt come from solid matter being solid but we are a tiny amount of solid mass suspended between points of massive distance by nuclear forces.

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On a physical level we are FAR more energy than physical matter.

If you could look at us on an atomic level we'd look like the universe,small points with MASSIVE distances between them.

You've asked a fundamental philosophical question,which is:

What is a chair? (thats what philosophers used as an example of an everyday object in the 3 dimensional world)

But no,I don't think our minds create and hold our(physical)reality in place but are merely observers in a 3 dimensional plane of existence.

But our 'shape' doesnt come from solid matter being solid but we are a tiny amount of solid mass suspended between points of massive distance by nuclear forces.

i watched that Stephen Hawking problem aswell. Fascinating. Me and my mate love to have good long debates about the universe and stuff. And this thread is making for some good reading.


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Are we really solid people as we perceive, or is it possible that we are an endless flow of energy and our mind forms the boundrys of our existence, or something else?Any thoughts

I think you are either a native genius, or you're a Quantum Physicist in disguise, or you've had a transpersonal experience leading to a rush of insight. However the realisation arrived, dude, you concur with Parapsychologist Dean Radin, who describes how cutting-edge science makes reality look more like "a giant thought" in the video on this page.

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Are we really solid people as we perceive, or is it possible that we are an endless flow of energy and our mind forms the boundrys of our existence, or something else?Any thoughts

I think you are either a native genius, or you're a Quantum Physicist in disguise, or you've had a transpersonal experience leading to a rush of insight. However the realisation arrived, dude, you concur with Parapsychologist Dean Radin, who describes how cutting-edge science makes reality look more like "a giant thought" in the video on this page.

That was interesting.The more I think about it and recall past experiences with certain substances, the more this sort of theory fits, and its a cool feeling, experiencing something indescribable and then seeing pyshicists describe that feeling of everything.But at the same time it is so hard to comprehend that while i and you or whoever is typing, we you or/and I and everything is one.Overwhelming, time for a spliff.

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Guest dr rockster

Another cosmic waffler who dint forward any theory at all! :doh:

"oh there is something there but we don't know what it is" is not theorising let alone thinking but 'reckoning'

We HAVE mass,it is solid in that if you throw it it has kinetic energy,ergo,mass exists.

'Looking at things at the quantum level' is an oxymoron as the very act of observation influences and changes what is being observed.

Great to think of such things on mushrooms,very thought provoking but we live in a 3d non quantum world so the guy was talking utter bollocks but hey,nice way to make a living.

you CANNOT apply quantum physics to the everyday 3 dimensional world we inhabit and perceive through our very limited senses.

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weedisfree that was great.

just been mulling it over for a while instead of working. thanks for giving me something good to think about.

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Another cosmic waffler who dint forward any theory at all! :doh:

"oh there is something there but we don't know what it is" is not theorising let alone thinking but 'reckoning'

We HAVE mass,it is solid in that if you throw it it has kinetic energy,ergo,mass exists.

'Looking at things at the quantum level' is an oxymoron as the very act of observation influences and changes what is being observed.

Great to think of such things on mushrooms,very thought provoking but we live in a 3d non quantum world so the guy was talking utter bollocks but hey,nice way to make a living.

you CANNOT apply quantum physics to the everyday 3 dimensional world we inhabit and perceive through our very limited senses.

I have clearly hit upon a subject that has advocates for all 'theories' and they are theories.As much as we cannot prove much of quantum pyhsics the same can be said for our perception of anything, how can you prove mass has mass?If you and I were in a room testing this with a ball bouncing against a wall, how can you actually prove that we are in the room,how can you prove the ball bounces, how can you prove that we are not all slaves to a machine race like the Matix movie. You cant actually prove it because if say the world is real, you couldn't get out and prove it , at the same time you could say we are in a fake world controlled by robots but no one could get out to prove it. Essentially I believe that this works with everything, how can i prove air exists, I cant, yes you can isolate particles of gas and identify them with technology, but how can you prove it exists. If we are open to a universe of infinite possbilty we see that although you can theorize and give evidence there is always an arguement for another possibility. So dont take this as me saying I'm right, Im just trying to get across that while you can be so sure of something, the ultimate way is to accept all possibility, then you can be wrong and right.

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Guest dr rockster

A lot of people have suggested that Pro,like our world could be a grain of sand in another mans universe kinda ting?

@WeedIisFree:How can I prove mass has mass?

For the purposes of my 3 dimensional reality an apple falling on my head does it just fine.

I know,I know what you are saying in that how can we trust our senses,for after all what we perceive at the seat of our conciousness is is but a mental construct interpreted from sensory data,yes?

Well for the purposes of confirming my reality,repeatable experimentation using the known laws of physics does it for me and again you are gonna say but what if we are in a matrix like construct built by somebody else............

........I'd say you've been watching too much tv! :yinyang:

@Pro.Glad you brought up the CERN particle physics thing.

It's interesting having scientist bods talking about string theory and wormholes,multidimensionality etc and the work at CERN is all a part of this,but apart from the superb physics is does give great food for deep spiritual thought and contemplation doesnt it?

My Pa was a consultant who worked on various projects at CERN as it happens.

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