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The best weed variety for...?


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Hi. Okay, as the year rolls on, I'm starting to think about growing again. But I was wondering what the best strains are for the things I'm looking for in a weed... I'm tempted to go for three different strains so... Anyone have an oppinion what's best for each of these three things?

1: High Yield (not too worried about potency as long as you can feel it)

2: Wipeout factor (I need something that will cure insomnia. What's the best variety for something that will blow your brains out before bed?)

3: Social smoking.

Thanks. :oldtoker:



Stoned Utterance of the day - "Yes. Yes, I was watching. But I was cooking salmon en croute."

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Higha there Frighty M8. Sounds like its been a while since you were active! May I suggest Sensi's Skunk No.1 as a starting point? Fits all your requirements, and is VERY easy to grow. Also perhaps a White Rhino [aka Medicine Man], and for that insomnia, Homegrown Fantaseeds Afghani is a plant with a good reputation. Hope this helps.


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  • 1 month later...

possibly u could try skunk no1 x northan lights,

like skunk no 1, bit more indica tho so will get u to sleep easeir i think. I think it has a good yield and some sativa in it to get u chatting about very random stuff.

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