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Ok, What If; There Was An Underground Resistance?

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Guest scarface

;) do you really think the old bill are bright enough to make their own decisions? they just do what they are told

look ive been banged up a few times and had lots of shit with the police over the years so i dislike them as much as anybody else, but statements like that make you sound like a child billy mullett,

i dont know what your problem is but ive also just seen in your loft protection thread you are saying that, if folks say it dosent work (kingspan) then they are coppers ? wtf :eek:

Edited by scarface
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You've gotta be some kind of tosser to think it's a good idea to chuck paving stones at policemen's heads.

Grow up.

Edited by squirrel
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With respect to my paving slab lobbing statement, well.. it just goes to show that 'SHEEPLE' will believe what they are told doesnt it!

As for the Kingspan statement i made about only coppers claim it wont work, u tell me why would someone say it wont work (when it does) ? Always makes me suspicious when i hear people attacking other folks security matters...

Even the 'Liberty' site dropped a hint that using mylar is a no-no.. I wonder why?

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Guest Dr Benways Assistant
Even the 'Liberty' site dropped a hint that using mylar is a no-no.. I wonder why?

Because it makes your grow look like a 'sophisticated operation' to police eyes.

What's making you suspicious is your paranoia.

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Guest daviie

"The Poll Tax was brought down by the public riots, People are the most powerfull tool on this planet, UNITED WE STAND, divided we fall.... "

The Poll Tax wasn't "brought down" it was simply renamed Council Tax just to show you how wonderfully powerful and stupid you are. Seems to have worked.

United we stand? You would be a revolution of precisely one, in my opinion.

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A perfect state of 'awareness' shouldnt be confused with paranoia, they are two seperate things.

It would take more than simple mylar sheeting to make a grow look pukka, they should have mentioned 'Hydroponic set-up' but they didnt, they choose to mention mylar..

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"The Poll Tax was brought down by the public riots, People are the most powerfull tool on this planet, UNITED WE STAND, divided we fall.... "

The Poll Tax wasn't "brought down" it was simply renamed Council Tax just to show you how wonderfully powerful and stupid you are. Seems to have worked.

United we stand? You would be a revolution of precisely one, in my opinion.

Correction -

Poll tax was an individual tax on the person and the council tax is a tax on the property u live in. Do yourself a favour and get your facts right before u moan, ;).

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well being resistance you need to have a reason to resist so in ur first post you should have stated your views and opinions as well as what you hope to change when your resistance succeeds then we would decide to join u or not. but going by the fact that u got to thinking about it all while smoking im deffo up for joining cos i kno none of the goverment would support me smoking so if u take over and support me smoking im fully behind u.

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I suggest you read Animal Farm and think about how long it would take till the farmer got replaced with Pigs.

As much as I would encourage a revolution to force our governments to put the interests of average citizens above world politics/egomaniacal idiocies, it just isn't going to happen.

This was a shock to me: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/poli...icle3257297.ece

Now the islamic loonies saying 7/7 and 11/4 in madrid were coordinated by security services to spread fear and compliance with government measures don't sound so loony after all.

Also, I think you probably know about the CIA committing murder in the name of the Greek communist party in order to discourage potential members and discredit it.

I am thinking about building a bunker and having a source of electricity, water, food and GANJA within the next five years. You never know when the next flu pandemic, widespread race riots, foreign invasion etc. may happen. If it does, just look for a small house in the Dutch countryside - mention the name UK420 and get a few weeks of free food & ganja while the outside world goes to hell. Hehe :!:

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