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:wink: Evil exists call it what you want cruelty :D evil is all around just as good is all around . reality is the question. nDid man create evil or did evil have a hand in creating man? :yinyang:

That's the whole problem. What you see as cruel, someone else may see as acceptable (or even pleasant). Your evil is different to another persons idea of evil, therefore there is no 'objective evil' as it were.

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:rofl: Exactly what I was saying . Reality differs from one person to another. What one person sees as cruel ie killing chickens to eat, chicken farmers and eaters don't question the cruelty of it. Perceptions and reality play a big factor in producing Evil.

"Happy New Year to you All".


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Evil is a concept of christianity

not be a christian i dont believe in Evil as a concept ,

nasty exists everywhere


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At times I think society creates its own monsters, but as Boojum pointed out about the moral compass, I would say that evil is something that people know is wrong, but do it anyway, perhaps for some personal gain or excitement. There may even be a scale of evil, ie some things are evil (lesser sins) whereas others are so vile as to be unmentionable. Paedophilia, for example, as Father McPot suggested, has been linked to some sufferers of senile dementia, I believe, but is not the only reason behind it and it is widely held as one of the most vile acts of human cruelty. Cenobites, appearing in Clive Barker's Hellraiser and according to the Devil's Dictionary, are people who lock themselves away from society to contemplate evil. Is there an obscure force guiding, tempting and tormenting human beings into doing evil and averting them from a True Path of Righteousness? Do demons possess folk, driving them mad, twisting their thoughts, manipulating their feelings and controlling their actions? They say the greatest trick the Devil ever played was to convince man that he doesn't exist. Anything's possible, I suppose.

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Evil is a concept of christianity

not be a christian i dont believe in Evil as a concept ,

The concept of evil has existed in human thought long before the beginning of Christianity,and evil as a religious concept is found in the pre-Christian era within Judaism and Zoroastrianism.

Edited by Twenty_Three
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Evil does exist, no question. How else do you explain things like paedophilia?

i dont believe evil exists, im in the moral construct camp. there are just humans doing human things which are labled according to who evers watching. our moral line is subjective and contextual. i know thats difficult for some to comprehend but theres a whole world full of people proving its true right now...

its important to remember we are animals in clothing and our "civilization" permits us to side-step this fact. but though you can take the monkey out the jungle, the jungle is the fabric of the monkeys existence and its true reference point. thats why a vegetarian who hasnt eaten for 3 weeks can eat meat with little initial moral qualm and how a non violent person can inflict mortal harm in their self defense. maybe morality only comes into play upon a full belly and a stocked larder...

as for pedophilia being evil, this is a tabloid equation, situated firmly in the realms of idiotic fear-mongering and as realistic as the image portrayed of cannabis and "killer skunk".

pedophilia as i understand it, is having sexual relations with someone bellow the age of consent. is this wrong? i feel like theres an automatic urge in include "against their will" but thats not pedophilia - thats rape and its not the same thing.

when i read "pedophile" and theres an automatic mental image of some old greasy geezer in a mac, stealing kiddies from playgrounds and tying them up in basements and so forth - horrible gruesome images.

question - where do these pictures come from?

as far as im aware, the highest percentage of child abuse cases are committed by relatives or friends of the family. so why this picture of the greasy geezer, and from where? the same place i get my image of Santa clause and werewolves and goblins?

sexuality is a complex thing. i see it as everyone gets a different engine, some a 5cc, some a 6 piston monster. some are tuned for the opposite sex, some are tuned for the same sex, some are tuned more tightly than others...

some people have a thing for uniforms, some for for feet, some just for watching. there are vending machines in tokyo underground stations that are stocked with pairs of worn panties. there are women in amsterdam windows. there are women and children for sale in thai brothels. they are all their because there is a demand. a human demand.

how long has the age of consent been in place? its just im sure i read about some king and his 13 year old bride. animals start breeding as soon as they are capable dont they? i wonder how far we need look back in our family trees to find a technical "pedophile" amongst our ancestors?

personaly i dont have to look so far. my mums father wasnt so good to her, along with one of his brothers. she was made to leave her house and live with her grandmother. she was 13. he was a fireman. he saved people from burning to death. evil eh? hmm, what a wise and considered moral judgment....

my mother hooked up with my dad around the same time, and ive just thought for the first time if that had something to do with her mistreatment... but my dad was 17, and i know they had sex before she was 16, so hey, i guess my DAD is a pedophile too!! they celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary last year.

evil eh?

evil is for people who cant relax with a paradox.


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I think you're a bit confused about paedophilia. If a person wants to have relations with someone that has not reached sexual maturity, then they are classed as a paedophile. Age of consents are put upon ages that are estimated to be those of sexual maturity, which unfortunately, vary greatly with everyone.

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aye, im confused alright, your saying if someone

wants to have relations with someone that has not reached sexual maturity, then they are classed as a paedophile

you mean thought crime? or acting on those wants...

still, i dont believe wanting to have sex with people who haven't yet reached sexual maturity, or doing so, is Evil nor consider "proof" of such a thing to be substantiated in any branch of human sexuality.

and i'm not confused about that at all.


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I wasn't speaking in the crime sense, tsk.

If you were to realise that you felt sexual desires towards the same sex, then you would be classed as gay or lesbian. If you felt sexual desires towards the opposite sex, then you would be classed as heterosexual. And if you felt desire towards children then of course you would be classed as a paedophile.

I wasn't actually talking about evil and paedophilia. I went kinda off-topic.

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aye, im confused alright, your saying if someone
wants to have relations with someone that has not reached sexual maturity, then they are classed as a paedophile

you mean thought crime? or acting on those wants...

still, i dont believe wanting to have sex with people who haven't yet reached sexual maturity, or doing so, is Evil nor consider "proof" of such a thing to be substantiated in any branch of human sexuality.

and i'm not confused about that at all.


I wasn't speaking in the crime sense, tsk.

If you were to realise that you felt sexual desires towards the same sex, then you would be classed as gay or lesbian. If you felt sexual desires towards the opposite sex, then you would be classed as heterosexual. And if you felt desire towards children then of course you would be classed as a paedophile.

I wasn't actually talking about evil and paedophilia. I went kinda off-topic.

I think it's on topic because people have, in this thread, equated paedophilia with evil. Paedophilia isn't evil (I know I yet again run the risk of at a later date being accused of defending paedophilia, but fuck it, I'm fucked if I'm gonna censor myself), paedophilia is a matter of fucked up perception - mental illness, if you like. A paedophile, whether or not they act on it, is someone who is sexually aroused by children, someone who sees children as sexual beings. And I'm afraid it's just not as simple as good and evil, nothing is when sex comes into things. Nobody chooses who they are sexually attracted to - you may like women, you may like men, you may like blondes, you may like brunettes, you may like the model type, you may like larger people, you may get turned on by causing pain, you may get turned on by having pain inflicted on you, you may get turned on my urinating on someone, you may get turned on by being urinated on, you may get turned on by humiliating someone, you may get turned on by being humiliated etc, etc, etc pretty much ad infinitum - you don't have a choice. Well paedophilia is just an extreme extension of that, it's an inappropriate sexual response, it's a problem of perception. Sexuality (and I don't mean gay/straight, I mean the whole spectrum of sexuality) is a vast and complex thing, perhaps the most complex area of human behaviour. To reduce paedophilia to mere evil is to simplify it to the point of idiocy. I'm NOT for a second defending it, all I'm saying is that it's far more complex than good and evil, and when it's reduced to mere morality the chances of actually understanding the hows and whys become nil, and the only way to deal with anything, ultimately, is to understand it. Reducing paedophilia to a matter of morality is a cop out.

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Guest Dr Benways Assistant
Microsoft aren't all that evil really. I don't like Microsoft's business tactics and i think they are crap at software design, but evil - nah. Unless you have evidence that they are torturing children or somesuch? Didn't think so.

How about the $50m that Bill gave to help Africa? Every penny of that has gone to modern day eugenics programs instead of aid. Rather than helping Africa he wants to depopulate it. It's that kind of insidious planning by the richest and most powerful that's the true evil in our time if there is one.

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How about the $50m that Bill gave to help Africa? Every penny of that has gone to modern day eugenics programs instead of aid. Rather than helping Africa he wants to depopulate it.

What is your source for that?

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There is good and evil. But it's a verb. You have to do it to be evil. Everyone or most people have fluffy and evil thoughts combined. But carrying those thoughts out is what makes someone evil or good. Like maiming someone for no reason other than pleasure. That is evil.

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