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Antibiotics ceasing to work


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Friday, 22 February, 2002

Increasing numbers of patients are finding that the first type of antibiotic medicine they are given is useless, research shows.

Scientists have warned that the over-use of antibiotics is accelerating the development of resistant bacterial strains.

A report by industrial analysts Datamonitor says that this phenomenon is increasingly being seen in the UK.

It says 15% of patients have to go on to a second treatment because the first option is proving ineffective.

The UK relies heavily on two antibiotic families, the penicillins and the macrolides, to treat respiratory tract infections.

However, as the infection became increasingly resistant to penicillins, doctors were being forced to use alternative, and more costly drugs, the report says.

Changes coming

Datamonitor says that the way antibiotics were used might be about to change forever.

It predicts that patients are increasingly going to find that they will not be prescribed antibiotics for some respiratory tract infections (RTIs), such as a sore throats, sinusitis, or bronchitis, as often as they used to be.

Jonathan Angell, senior infectious diseases analyst at Datamonitor, warned: "As physicians are put under increasing pressure to reduce the volume of antibiotics they prescribe, consumers are at risk of becoming alienated from physicians.

"The NHS may have come under a lot of criticism through cost-cutting efforts, but ultimately health care authorities and physicians must make decisions based on what is best not just for the individual patient, but the community as a whole.

"In the case of antibiotics, not prescribing them for minor illnesses could have a huge impact on their usefulness where they are really needed."

Web blamed

The report says that the internet is partly to blame for the increasing demand for antibiotics.

Patients are being provided with more information about disease and consequently become more demanding.

Faced with long queues in their surgeries, doctors find that they simply do not have the time to explain why antibiotic treatment could actually do more harm than good.

"For a time stretched GP, it is, instead, far easier to take one minute off to print a prescription, and hope that enough time is left to see everyone else in the surgery," the report says.


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Scary stuff...   :nervous: the whole bacteria mutating and becoming immune to current treatment/ limited combination of antibiotics thing has always been on the horizon, but this is the first report I've heard of it starting to happen. Where did you get this report from/ where can I find more info on this?


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Hi KidFix

How are you today ok  :)

Yes this is Scary stuff.

I get the News though my search engines on 6 computers this new come from the BBC, i will find as much as i can on this for you mate ok  ;)

Give me a moment zzzzoooooooommmmmmm :oldtoker::)


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hi r Kid  :oldtoker:

Here you go the nearest latest i can get from the first storie above (its oldish) i hope this helps : If i get more i will drop it in  :)

Wednesday, 12 September, 2001

US doctors are prescribing antibiotics freely to people with sore throats - even though for most the treatment is completely inappropriate.

The research was published on the same day that the World Health Organization issued a warning that humans are building up dangerous levels of resistance to modern antibiotics that could leave them vulnerable to killer diseases.

The world health body said tuberculosis strains in several countries had become resistant to two of the most effective drugs and some antimalarial medicines had become practically useless as parasites adapted their defences.

WHO Director Gro Harlem Brundtland said: "Antibiotics were one of the most significant discoveries of the 20th century.

"Unless we act to protect these medical miracles, we could be heading for a post-antibiotic age in which many medical and surgical advances could be undermined by the risk of incurable infection."

Study findings

Results from the US National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, conducted between 1989 and 1999, showed that 73% of patients with sore throats received antibiotic prescriptions.

However, antibiotics are only helpful in about 10% of cases where sore throats are caused by bacterial "strep" infection.

Most sore throats are due to viruses, against which antibiotics have no effect.

Lead researcher Dr Jeffrey Linder, from Massachusetts General Hospital, said: "If you go and see your doctor for an upper respiratory infection, including a sore throat, nine times out of 10 you should not be given an antibiotic."

The researchers said part of the problem was that doctors were pressurised into prescribing antibiotics by expectant patients.

They warned that as well as helping develop drug resistance, excessive antibiotic use could place patients at risk of allergic reactions.

Newer drugs

Many of the prescriptions were for newer, "broad-spectrum" drugs which cost as much as 20 to 40 times more than the two antibiotics recommended for strep throat, penicillin and erythromycin.

Researcher Dr Randall Stafford said: "Patients who previously received antibiotics for viral conditions, probably received no benefit from those prescriptions.

"On their next episode of sore throat, they may feel they need a newer antibiotic because of their unsatisfying earlier experience."

The researchers said a small decline in the number of prescriptions was seen in 1999, which may indicate that doctors and patients were becoming more aware of the dangers of overusing antibiotics.

The research was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


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Scary stuff indeed. Ah, its my dear old freinds the pharamceutical companies at it again. Who was it that encouraged all that over prescription by Doctors in the first place? Not the endless line of Drug Company Representatives [a nice way of saying "Pusher"] banging on their surgery doors day in day out by any chance?

Never mind, its not that bad. We will just have to rediscover some old wisdom. Vets already have and are encouraging farmers to lace feed with herbs like Thyme instead of antibiotics [you do know that the large majority of beef has been fed on daily antibiotics, don't you...]. Not only is it just as effective, but it makes the cows arse a lot sweeter to be near!!!!!!!!! And that is official!!!

Just research your old herbal remedies folks - they are normally way better than the crap peddled by the drug companies


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Thanks for the info Bongme  :oldtoker: . Indeed herbs is good things. Did you know that herbs such as thyme, basil and corriander (s'cuse the spelling) contain ten times as many antitoxidants (if thats a word) as fruit and veg and also they stay in your system for seven years? Yeah man.

My g'friend is into aromatherapy as a form of alternative medicine. Some of the oils have many many beneficial effects. Rub some peppermint oil into your temples if you have a headache and you'll see what I mean. She views weed as just another form of alternative medicine which is why she smokes it all the time obviously  :sarcasm:

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Hi, April here, New today.

I'm a great fan of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and Trad. Chinese Medicine (Including herbs)for the majority of ails. Can't remember the last time I took Antibiotics. Don't trust the Docs. anyway. Has to be Trad. Acu. and not the usual type.

Thanx for e-mailing me back Bongme


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Hi April and welocme to the site!

I also have lots of interest in alternative therapies.  I have known a lot of weird and wonderful people in my time, so I have come across herbalism (and erbalism  :D  ) aromatherapy, crystal therapy, touch therapy (my personal favorite!!) etc

I also feel that music and drama therapy have a lot to offer, especially if combined with cannabis  :oldtoker:

When I'm stoned, music has an innate power over me!  And the empathy you get with cannabis is great in combination with acting/role play when you need to be able to see someone elses point of view!

peace  :peace:

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Hi April

And a vary warm welcome to the warm grow shows ;) ;)

Thats right doctors see numbers and saveing money of no fault of theres i may add, but there hands are tied, and Goverments are cheating them selfs from a danger worse than fate thay need to see that Cannabis is a cheap cost affective way of producing none harmful pruductions thougth the THC and other contents from the root to the Bud there is something for everyone. For god shake Goverments wake up!!

It is my pleasure to Email you April and i hope you enjoy your new community.

See u Later`z



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