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hi, thought it about time i stopped lurking and joined in. I am a full time carer for my wife an ms sufferer, we have been sucsessfully been growing cannabis for two years , mainly northern lights for its ease and low smell, its a very lonely business being a crim and i feel like having a rant at the injustice of it all, so here goes. About 4 years ago i was a member of the flog em and hang em brigade i knew no better! my missus had a serious relapse and we went down all the usual avenues, beta inerferon too expensive wrong health authority etc (money) , eventualy after a roundabout of consultants she ended up on 14 different drugs a day, the side effects were awful, blackouts sickness, falling out hair and worst of all didnt stop the pain which she suffers 24 hours a day. we tried cannabis but in our ignorance we thought weed was weed it took a trip to amsterdam to put us on the right track, to see a human being especially one that you love be free from pain after so long is a wonder. we filled our pockets and brought as much as we could afford home , i secretly would not care if we had been caught because i wanted to shout about it from the roof tops or at least stansted roof! we still went through the medical proccess and our house was like a train station with the number of health proffessionals going through it. Trying to get the sort of quality she needs off the streets in uk is almost impossible , so we started growing with advice from the cannabis college amsterdam and reading sites like this, we are now very succesfull and virtually self sufficient. We have informed our medical masters every step of the way. After a six month wait we got an appointment with a consultant who was head of the pain control clinic for the whole of this region of england, the best he could do was suggest a bacoflen pump be inserted into my wifes stomach , we were given time to think about this , at this time she was on no medication at all because of the sideeffects , we decided to tell him no after another two months wait, (of course we would not have to wait so long between appointments if we bunged him 200quid as this would be private, same consultant same hospital!) when he heard that we would not go ahead with the pump he said " probably not a good idea anyway as she may be too weak and any infection could kill her" this after he seemed to promote this pump as the best thing since sliced bread! we told him that we were using top quality home grown to alleviate her pain and spasms, he told us that as it suits her that is what we should do, he then went on a roll about painreceptors etc, i asked if he could give me something in writing to say he agreed this was the only way forward as she is now on no pain control at all of course he refused. we now have a nice little system 2x 600 hps on lightmovers with nft tanks using ionic nutrients charcoal scrubbers and a shed.so the next time anybody doubts its medicinal value ask them to read this, frankly a dog would not be allowed to suffer as my wife has done. So mister blunkett do you really want to put me in prison? ok rant over, feel better after that. free the weed!

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-you're not alone mate! You'll find loads of users of this board in a similar position to yourself - the main thing is that your wife is being helped, and is off the bloody chemicals. Don't believe the hype that doctors have the monopoly on health care - they don't!!! I gave up with conventional medicine over twenty years ago, and using a strange mix of acupuncture, homeopathy, herbalism and supplements stay fitter than ever before. The way I see it, unless you stick it under plod's nose, they really don't want to know about small-time med. growers (imagine the bad press they'd get if they bust you!) - I've even spotted ads in Ccnewz from a firm of solicitors who boast a 100% acquittal rate for med. users. The law is an ass - with luck it won't be too much longer we'll have to put up with it - in the meantime, have no doubts whatever - you really are doing the right thing, it's a truly noble act you are performing - more strength to you both! :)

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All the best mate.

My wife is also ill.

We cannot grow at the moment or in the near future.

She has had the same sort of problems , side-effects, different drug regimes, health workers doing their best in a crazy system.

I found your story very moving.

Thanks for sharing it.

Regards to you both.

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:) welcome to the green heart of the web pk :huh:

sorry to hear about your mrs mate, sounds like it has been a right nightmare.

sounds like you've got the grow side sorted, 2 600w i bet that produces some quality meds :( have you been over to the med strain section yet ? it's a work in progress but if you have anything to add from experience of any of the strains please feel free.

one other thing, your not a lonely crim. we all support each other here med users and rec users alike :yep: and your definetly NOT A CRIMINAL. as my little sig says 'no victim no crime' :)

take care to you and yours

see ya round the boards


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thank you for your very kind replies, having read my rant it sounds a bit self indulgent, in fact we are the lucky ones being in a position to help ourselves, it may not be for everyone but my heart goes out to those who will never know because of this alice in wonderland law. To show how crazy things are my son is a soldier due to go to afghanistan to help restore "freedom" ( missed the gulf thank god , i did my stint 91 ) his mum and i live in fear of " the knock on the door " i know it doesnt equate to whats going on in the world , but even so, is it right to put her through this stress when she so ill? its not the criminal system we are scared of but the fact they will take her only medication and pinch our lights. as a result we live in constant state of worry. again thank you for taking the trouble to reply i sometimes need somebody to tell me that i am not a fool. and also thank you to this site andwe couldnt have done it without reading of others. free the weed

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:) you rant as much as you want my friend :huh:

:( hope the lad has a safe tour and gets back soon :yep:

umm, the 'knock' from what you have you said unless you start selling the stuff and planting acres i cant see any reason why the dibble would give you a pull, i know round here it seems to be 'aggravated' posession where by whoever is pulled for say being drunk and disorderly and when searched they find a chunk. i cant tell you it will never happen because it could, could be anyone of us for any number of reasons not even in the same universe as growing bud, those are the current risks. maybe we will see changes this year. maybe not personally i will continue to grow my medicine and take the risk.

keep safe to you and yours


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my view is drink is the killer i mean if ppl just left us alone to grow leagally thered be no problem and many ppl would feel a hell of alot beter but then again they cant tax weed so they regect it thats just my stoned opinion

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thanks again, i thought that for others i might offer some help in setting up their system, i am aware that there are different forums i should put this in but i am new to actually using this site and anyway there are some experts here so i shall just recall personnel experience, i only know nft so thats all i can really help with. ( 1 } patience , very difficult , but please its vital . ( 2 ) everybody overnutes to start with see 1 . (3) people who smoke a lot do not make them an expert on smoke! also just because they are dutch ditto! (4) water and electricity dont mix! ( 5 ) ensure loved one knows recussitation techniques see 4. (6) try to avoid 6 year old daughter telling her favorate teacher , "mummy and daddy have a secret in the shed and i cant tell you because they will stop me watching scooby doo" ( 7) if possible use cuttings , i bought 10 hindu kush seeds amsterdam 60 quid - 2 noshows 7 males and a scraggy fem . i got top quality cuttings of the net, i dont know if i am allowed to name his email perhaps the people who run this site will let me know. ( 8 ) when police arrive ( teenage son soldier ,gods gift etc ) to look for your lad , make sure they trip over the wheelchair before they smell the smoke! very cynical i know! ( 9 ) cats get stoned very easy , lets leave that one. ( 10 ) tell no one , actually should be no1 ( 11 ) everybody talks about smell , its important , but a lot forget noise, i have tanks and when they are low ,6 waterfalls drop 8 inches , 2 fans 1 big extractor it sounds like an aircraft taking off if you stand next to it at night. (12 ) ok difficult, buy the best you can afford ,i know money is tight but we are talking quality of life here. i buy from a company in the midlands , not the cheapest but reliable and discreet. ( 13 ) after a few crops you will wonder what all the fuss was about ( 14 ) for every bud you pinch early and stick in the oven you have lost double the amount see 1 ( 15 ) you eventually will get bugs! read up on them and get your stuff ready / thats it please feel free to amend/ disagree thanks , we may be shat on from high but we can still smile.

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My dear chap, you are most certainly not alone!!!

Welcome to the den, the cave of crims - not!!! And bloody well done sir, on the grow front. I do hope you pat yourself on the back regularly. Thankfully I am still able to grow my own weed {although my partner would certainly do it if I became unable}, but can really appreciate just how much your wife must appreciate your efforts!

We're all on a learning curve M8, and enjoying it most of the time.

No experience of MS myself, but there are others here that know the score so no doubt there will be loads for you to share with them.

As to your Pain Clinic person, I'm afraid that's no surprise to me. Been chopped up something rotten by eager surgeons wanting to try out new experiments with the scalpel. Like Farmweb, now its accupuncture, herbs and marijuana. As far as I can see doctors nowadays are mainly just pill pushers and scalpel wavers, very little understanding of people.


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Well done in freeing your wife from the manny poisons she was administered ....

welcome to the uk420 cripple club growers emporium.....there are many folks here who grow weed for a variety of chronic illness; for themselves and others

The more the better

Some consultants and medics do support the use of an organically grow herb ....sorry you hadnt one of em

hope your wife is getting all the aid she needs from community nurses and o.t's.

they cannot lock us all up!!!!!!!!! can they ?


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