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Talking to your doctor


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Hi everyone, Recently I have been cautioned for cultivating cannabis. I told the truth and said it was for medicinal purposes. I feel I should discuss it with my doctor now, because if I am found with any now, I will be in fairly serious trouble.

For a few years I have had something that matter with my joints, which has begun to limit my mobility. And I have been unable to work. Unfortunately there is no handy name to describe it. Recently I have found cannabis to give me relief physically and mentally from constant minor pain.

I have bit of a phobia about talking to doctors at the best of times and wonder if anyone could offer any ideas about how to approach the subject. And what sort of reactions have people had. I feel there must be loads of members here in a similar situation.

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Hello and welcome mate :puke:

I've got MS and when I told my Doctor that I smoked cannabis to help, he said "I wish I could prescribe it to you". The specialist I see says exactly the same.

Put the question to your Doctor, and ask him what he/she thinks.

Good luck mate and keep us informed on your progress :ninja::puke:

Take care :blushing:

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:blushing: you've come to the right place.

with my gp i just came straight out with it ! basically i suffer from arthritis in my spine, neck and now hips and knees, all down to an accident whilst serving in the army. my gp is very supportive and says as long as i am happy pain free and know what i am putting into my body, them she has no problems with it :puke: she is a really nice lady (who i think is a cat person so that helps :ninja: helped me anyway !!

seriously though, you really shouldnt feel worryed about your gp grassing you up. just explain it helps you and see what they say, you might be surprised.

keep in touch whatever you do

keep safe


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Thanks for your comments, I like the way you have both just mentioned to your doctors that you use cannabis. I'd wonder if I might be approaching this with the wrong attitude. I feel a certain pressure because I want my doctor not just to know, but to actually endorse my smoking of weed for my medical circumstances, so if I am charged in the future I can make a strong medical use argument,. I was stressing about how I could convince my doctor or specialist of my need to smoke, I think this is the wrong attitude, and instead I am just going to just mention that I find cannabis helpful and feel out his reaction, and not try and force anything.

ps got properly blazed yesterday and realy enjoyed it.

Free the weed for the sake of all.

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C'mon mate! -its your body, you decide what you put into it, not some pill-pusher with a certificate! Next time you go to see your quack, you are in charge, not him! - He is your physician, because you have chosen him, it is his job to try and cure you of your ills; if you feel that he is not doing his job properly, you have every right to tell him, if necessary in no uncertain terms!. You also have a right to change to another doctor if you don't like the way he treats you. Chances are, you may find he/she will turn out to be a total sweetie, sympathetic and supportive - if not - go elsewhere!

I gave up with conventional medicine over 20 years ago, and have found effective alternatives elsewhere -along the way, I found out a little-known fact - a qualified acupuncturist is empowered to write certificates for absence from work etc., which are acceptable to the authorities - so if all else fails.... Good luck, remember, by smoking cannabis you are taking responsibility for your own treatment , it should prove to an enlightened doctor that you are serious about wanting to get better, and they should help/support you B)

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Like Cytral, my Dr wished he could prescribe cannabis. In the last 6 months I have visited different Dr's, Neorologists, Pain Clinics and Clinical Psycologists and I have yet to come across any of them who openly dissaprove. I know it is hard at times and I fully understand your phobia about Dr's, but do trust your Dr, he is not going to go to the police.

I have been on Voltarol, Co-Dydramol, Amitriptylene, Tegratol, Gabapentin and recently turned down Venaflexine. I am now free of prescribed drugs and use cannabis as an aid to relaxation and sleeping, although I do not believe it makes much difference to the actual pain levels. I find the relaxation I get from cannabis allows me to use a more mental approach, and I am actually less depressed as a result of this, plus it is fun.

Good luck m8, just remember, if you are growing, keep it quiet, don't even tell your family if you can help it.


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Can't argue with any of the above - all damned good advice!

Some GP's do dissaprove, but they cannot tell anyone about it - confidentiality and all that, so no need to fear even if your GP turns out to be an anti-! In that case, change GP.

Like most of the above, I have specialists who have said they would prescribe it if they could, one Pain Specialist even volunteered to fix me up with a dealer in his street! My current GP is ambivalent... but like farmweb, I really don't bother much with conventional medicine these days

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I am brand spanking new to this section - first day in fact. My wife has severe arthritis and would be willing to try most things to get some relief - but she has never smoked and doesn't want to start..SOOO...

she read about using canabis in cakes - will this help?

If so, what do I try to buy (and where?) and what do I do with it?

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Welcome Dondean. sorry to hear about your good lady - a painful one that!

The thing about eating cannabis is that it must be first dissolved in a fat or oil {butter, olive oil etc}, and then heated but not burned.

Thus baking in a cake is fine, just add it in with the butter flour sugar and what-have-you.

My favourite is to heat about two to three spliffs worth in olive oil for 10 minutes, remove from heat, add a teaspoon of honey {watch out, it bubbles like mad}, leave to cool a tad, then add to live bio-yoghurt and refrigerate for a while. Eat with extreme caution - a very fast hit for eating, can be less than 5 minutes on an empty stomach.

With new users: Keep doses small, eating cannabis can be very potent. Remember too that the full effect will not be felt for 90 minutes maybe, when the liver has done its job.

There are some recipes somewhere around the site - have a browse....

Hope this helps.

PS - I strongly recommend Cod Liver Oil and Hempseed Oil {Unrefined, Organic and first cold pressed only}. Invaluable!

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hi dd,

she read about using canabis in cakes - will this help?

it would help taken on an empty stomach but care must be taken with dosage,

not harmful persay,but some find the effects a bit strong,if not used to it...

i friend of mine has just come out of hospital after a hip-operation.....

she doesn't smoke so she only had a third of a cookie....

it worked well, but not for long.............

she's going to try half next.......

If so, what do I try to buy (and where?) and what do I do with it?

take the wife away for the weekend in holland, and try half a cookie or cake......

then she'll be able to see if it's for her, or not.....................plus you get a weekend away.........


Edited by sittingrelaxing
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