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Testing New Camera !!!!!! Canon Eos 30 D

Guest Peppi

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hi all

heres a few snaps from our new camera .had it a few weeks now but with moving house etc etc i havent had chance to take any pictures with it ..................... :smoke:

its a canon 30d .cracking bit of kit . :russian:

well it will be once we have got to grips with it that is !!!! :unsure:

we also have a dimage a 200 but tbh im not that impressed with it .now it mainly lives in my fishing bag

heres a few pics from the garden in not so good lighting !!! think we will head out on bonfire night and try to get some good fire work pictures

peppi and cleosizzles




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look good peppi

has it got a automatic button :smoke:

they can be complicated things but fun 2 sometimes i little difficult to operate whilst stoned :russian:

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hi hmt

you KNOW its got an auto button !!!!!!!! :russian::unsure::soap:lol

picture qualitywise its makes a mockery of the dimage a 200 mate

Noiice cam Peppi.

thanks fummo

just need to get growing and get some bud shots !!!

peppi :smoke:

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nice shots and a lovely camera too... I love the second shot, nice and creative and not just relying on the (obvious) quality of your new bit of glass :smoke:

I've been having fun setting the shutter speed to about 1/100th or so and getting friend to shake their heads left and right as quick as possible, then snapping away and seeing how they look after. It's hilarious, you have to try it :russian:

what lenses do you have?

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Pentax girl meself , but have to admit the cannon has IT

I lost a cannon eos last winter solstice, well to be honest a full camera bag with panasonic digi can cannon lenses etc film and film cassettes alot of kit, and i cannot replace, person knows who they are that didnt rewturn them.

but the eod d range is on my wish list

you cant go wrong Peppi look forward to seeing your pics

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shame about the camera mj

yep the canons certainly have it alright !!!

person knows who they are that didnt return them

shame on you whoever you are !!

peppi :ninja:

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what lenses do you have?

soz mate only just noticed that !!

at the mo we have a ef 75-300 and a 18-55 which came with the camera .but we will be adding more as funds permit .we defo want to be looking at a macro of some sort

peppi :smoke:

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A really nice cheap (relatively speaking) and cheerful macro is the Tamron 90mm SP AF Di btw and on a cropped sensor it reaches out somewhere around the 135mm mark which means you can get really close without actually having to get right up, so the flash still works and insects you take pictures of don't get scared off. Obviously if you have too much reach then shakes are a problem, but that's just a choice you need to make I guess.

I love my Tamron - its really good for portraits too because the bokeh is so nice and smooth :wink:

Saying that, being a Canon owner (I've got a Nikon) then you can get the almighty mpe-65 which gets in very close indeed. I've combined my Tamron and a Raynox lens to get in as close as possible to the moth head below but secretly I'd rather have the Canon badboy macro lens :smoke:


Check out a site called "flickr.com" and do a search for "lord V" - he is the macro master B)

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yep nice picture that theroy mate

most impressive buddy thanks for the info !!

yep hmt

the lighting on those pictures above wasnt the best tbh .going fishing later today i think ill take the camera to while away the hours of not catching anything see what i can come up with .dunno what its like by you this morning but its fairly foggy here right now .......................

peppi :thisbig:

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