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Jesus Proof And God Proof Inside


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There's no proof at all about God or Jesus - there is reasoning - but no proof.

This might help you: Proof–noun

1. evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth.

2. anything serving as such evidence.

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I had two Mormons at the door the other night, righteous young missionaries full of praying to Jesus for answers, needless to say I had them utterly speechless within a couple of minutes of asking what my beliefs were and had reduced not only thier religion to a few basic concepts but all religions to those same concepts,suddenly they were unable to continue the mission handed me a card and fled into the night! praying to Jesus for more faith after being faced with some logical reality(well my version anyhoo). ah what a tonic that was!.

What were their arguments, Hughie?

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Guest dr rockster

I invited 2 American Mormons,who knocked on our door,into my lounge to meet about 8 of my mates,er,just as the collective acid dropped was kicking in.

They didnt last long... lol

But we really tried to engage them in conversation about things spiritual but it was so difficult not to laugh.

Buried gold plates,magic spectacles needed to read them,Moronic angels,just taking the piss really.

Just another cult that bastardised a great blokes teachings.

Ask a Jehovah's Witness if rock and roll is the devils music and watch them go slightly cross eyed actually contemplating this ridiculous question.

All a bunch of cults.

Edited by dr rockster
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Father Mcpot

I think it boiled down to "Jesus does exist because I pray to him", though they were a tad uncertain about that towards the end :rofl:

Twenty Three, no I am not a JW :yep:

Canabizbob, yup! :stoned:

Booj, let's hope so :yinyang:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Can't see any proof there, sorry.

ask more questions

'by faith youre saved not good works' that's why I think religion is an absolute load of fucking retarded bullshit.

Someone who I taked to who's very religious said the same thing, and I asked if I did good all my life but didn't believe I'd go to hell and someone who did bad all their life but did believe would go to heaven. He said, a religious bad person will be punished, and after that go to heaven for eternity, but a non religious good person wouldn't be greatly punished, yet would go to hell for eternity.

I like religion, it give people the 'good' disposition, but if religious people can't accept others and let live they want a fucking beating.

Fuck allah and mohamed, fuck jesus and god and fuck the rest of them, for people 'of great enlightenment' they're not very accepting and have caused a lot of stupid people to do a lot of daft shit.

I don't get how your post proves anything????


e2a: Have you heard this one; A atheist walks into a bar full of pedophile vicars, but he's the only one headed for eternal suffering! - Now that's a joke.

are you supposed to accept god or is god supposed to accept you. ill have to disown my son if i show him love and he doesnt acknowledge it, got it? by faith, you can suck up all you want.. im here for souls. life sucks and he plays favorites. disproove it then, and ill disprove it again. if some fucker went around doing miracles and shit would you believe theres a god or are you an idiot baby..................................................

I am having quite a fun time as a christian at the moment. I went through that sort of brainwashed stage, which in some ways I'm a little ashamed of however, I find the whole thing fascinating.

I have a strong belief that Jesus died for my sins. Yes that would make me a christian, however I disagree quite strongly on a number of points quite conservative christians raise. And I find it very irresponsible that the bible is approached in a totally conservative manner by a lot of christians.

At the moment I'm reading alot surrounding homosexuality. I'm straight myself but I feel these people are being persecuted by the church as the church has often persecuted people in the past. That this persecution is contrary to the teachings of Jesus.

What conservative christians don't tell you, or make you privy to, is that the translations do contain errors. The original greek and aramaic is not easily translated into English. Unsurprisingly the hate speech against gays which exists in the bible is equivocal when you refer to the original greek or hebrew. There's even abit in Luke and Matthew where Jesus may have blessed a gay centurion.

This is a good website which highlights some of the uncertainty surrounding verses and how they're used.

Sorry to hijack the thread!

JESUS IS NOT CHRISTIAN the religion is called GOD; theres teams and we all get the bigger picture

Who was what now?

even if he existed Jesus was not and is not God and never claimed to be, he claimed to be the Son of God.

Christians are therefore worshipping a false God. If God exists is another matter, Jesus is not God so there is no need to prove anything.

I had two Mormons at the door the other night, righteous young missionaries full of praying to Jesus for answers, needless to say I had them utterly speechless within a couple of minutes of asking what my beliefs were and had reduced not only thier religion to a few basic concepts but all religions to those same concepts,suddenly they were unable to continue the mission handed me a card and fled into the night! praying to Jesus for more faith after being faced with some logical reality(well my version anyhoo). ah what a tonic that was!.

JESUS is GOD, because he rose from teh fucking dead and all them other fools say GOD WOULD NOT COME DOWN in human form (a godly thing to do as a lovin father) and set an example to us people who'd need our god to actually come down and shit at least once for us to believe him... we are stupid; if im wrong GOD can forgive my stupidity because of my faith

What ho is this comfy Christian corner where everybody agrees with each other and anything unfluffy and unpalatable

gets ignored!. there is no discussion here? Theology? no! metaphysics no philosophy nah cannae see it

I thought Christians did not need proof? I thought faith was enough?.

Come on Christians where is the faith in your belief, are none of you going to refute the claim that Jesus is not, was not and never claimed to be God, is it not the case that Jehovah or Yaweh is in fact God. Is it not the case that you are deifying the wrong one as you are worshipping the Son of God rather than God himself !.

Perhaps this most basic fact throws your entire belief system out of kilter somewhat, perhaps you should investigate your religion a bit more thoroughly before espousing such sincere but fallacious beliefs.

If I were a Christian I would say "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do".

read up upwards

Didnt Douglas Adams once say something witty about God having to prove himself meant that he couldnt exist? I think it was in HHG2tG

if god can do anything , than can he not exist ? but if theres a god how can he undo himself. a god doesnt undo himself. its shit like this that shows you there is a fucking order. understanding is held in existence.. its what weve been trying to do since weve been born= if there was our understanding results in chaos, wed care about nothing but ourselves and you dont know how to love yourself

There's no proof at all about God or Jesus - there is reasoning - but no proof.

This might help you: Proof–noun

1. evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth.

2. anything serving as such evidence.

cut me some slack here. you can establish a proof in mathematics which you can not prove. then again...

Edited by Arnold Layne
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Church goers IMHO are not christians , they are to biggoted

Christian in the sense of the old ways, do no harm, has no roots in god, jesus but man woman and child.

I asked my birth mother this

Its Christamas day, a knock a the door, who stands there, but a bedraggled man unclean, long nails, hair, some would say a tramp, who you invite him into to dinner,

You can guess the reply, No I would not, she hissed and would send him away,

I replied but this is your god jesus, he was an accention, they never washed nor cut their hair.

Guess that when I knew she could never be a true christian , becuase her dogma and biggotted self would not let her, she snot alone

I have met many Christians, not church goers or bible bashers, but genuine caring people with a belief within themselves to help the leas fortunate.

Religion is based on divide and conqueor much like WAR.

I believe in nature, it gives us food, warmth, fertility, water, heat, air, we are ust grains of sand passing over an immense beach when you look at evolution, Its been here from the beginning , Christianity however has only been around for @2000 years

Know which I would trust in.

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"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."

"But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves that You exist, and so therefore, by Your own arguments, You don't. Q.E.D."

"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

"Oh, that was easy," says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.




Just Sprouted

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Yeah - I've always thought that Norton PC programs have gone really shite in the past few years - I remember when Symantec used to do good stuff. :rofl:

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JESUS is GOD, because he rose from teh fucking dead and all them other fools say GOD WOULD NOT COME DOWN in human form (a godly thing to do as a lovin father) and set an example to us people who'd need our god to actually come down and shit at least once for us to believe him... we are stupid; if im wrong GOD can forgive my stupidity because of my faith

Have you got any scriptural references to back up this claim that Jesus was,in fact,God ?

Edited by Twenty_Three
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b]GOD PROOF[/b]: Bibles golden rule:love god w/ all your heart n everything n above your wife etc

"christian ?! shit if youre a real christian i expect you to prove it to me"

I suppose im pagan or rather an occultist with no label, but thanks for coming in!!


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