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This may seem trivial in terms of art but im going to do it and will post a few pictures in the forums and all of my attempts in my Blog.

Ive just been playing Oblivion again, got Knights of the Nine and various other Mods. I had forgotten how blown away by the game I was. So, Im going to paint, in Acrylic, the only medium that I feel I have achived anything in, my whole adventure in the first part of Oblivon. This is a long term project as I may need a 100 or so paintings to achive this. But it is something I really want to do for some reason and should motivate me to get out of bed more often! Should have first picture in next few days will post it when done. Im a good copy artist but have no real flare when it comes to my own style so this seems an ideal project.

I like your stuff very much Delta.

Looking forward to this Hir! What a collection it will make! :yahoo:

Ms Powerband :yahoo:

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thanks hir, that oblivion idea sounds like quite an undertaking and original too, who says inspiration has to come from the real world.

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  • 1 month later...


I filled in the spaces in my pallette from colours that have survived since five or six years since I last painted. Got £50s worth of canvases and boards, and I started. Problems, 12 weeks worth of colds, chest infections and sundray maladys... however I did start, and man did I make a mistake with my first, (only) session. I didn't realise the amount of detail in the cathedrals, I picked the one in Anvil I think. I gridded it up and got the proprotions fine and the first 2 hours was pretty hunk, I got a random tape of music I did 12/15 years ago and it was like ridding a bike,...mistake one... I drew the Cahtedral too loose and lost its line...lot a detail when you look close! and then I tried to shade the cathedral as I went rather than the way I had intended, less shade the whole space then brink it forward with deeper tones.... I am out of this 12 week interuption so start again.... Ill post this first attempt, really artists please remember I paint cause I enjoy it. Another problem to doing this project, I reinstalled (clean) and lost all my saves! I can still get to scences once I reload it, and if I replay it, which I will and then maybe do the paintings as I go.

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thats the problem with doing any form of artwork hir, unless your truly gifted like monet or durer mistakes are going to happen. persevere though.

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