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Trip Report - Sweet Seeds 2012 Dam Trip


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Cup Winners - Trip Report 2012 - MGM & Budelaire

What Happened In The ‘Dam – Stays in The ‘Dam

Friday 29 June – Sunday 1st July

Friday 09:00am – Touch Down Budelaire/u]

So this year didn’t quite go as smoothly as planned… due to a series of unfortunate events, I had no comm’s as my phone was dead. MGM had severe delays which made for a very uneventful day for both me and MGM on the Friday sadly. I was the lucky one out the two that’s for sure as I was the one taking in the city, enjoying steady strolls around the dam in between waffles, neaties and coffees.

So after an uneventful flight at 07:00, I arrived at 09:15 local time and was in the Bulldog Coffeeshop by 10:00. Smoking my 1st neat Joint of Cheese. Sadly Not UK Cheese. But the nice Orange Bud made up for that as it was a better deal, and also very nice. One of the best of the trip for me (quality wise).





UK CHeese & NYC Diesel from Central (MGMS deals from the saturday)


I tried to make myself busy, but ended up dumping my bag and going shopping after a failed check in at the Hilton - Double Tree hotel. Got pulled for Jaywalking with a (proper) UK Cheese biff on the go, whoops! He let me go when I said I was a tourist! After another few hours stumbling about like a true camp-er I got blistered feet like a war vet, so jumped in a taxi and headed for the (surprisingly not so) local footlocker. €130 lighter and now busting a pair of obscene leather converse high tops, I headed hobbled back for the hotel!

I also took the opportunity to contact MGM a few times via their phone in the lobby, I had to e-mail tommy (think I got his number wrong or the concierge could’t dial his number right!) , Anyway, I managed to arrange a rendezvous prior to the cup starting later that evening…

The DoubleTree by Hilton.





Friday 18:00 – Touch Down MGM (Kind of!)

I had to have an impromptu freshen-up in the hotel lobby bathroom as I still couldn’t check in or contact tommy etc so I quickly changed and had a wash prior to my 18:00 appointment with MGM (so I thought) :rofl: So whilst I waited for what turned into hours I had my pikey shower… Wouldn’t have been my 1st choice, but I felt a little better after my sweaty stomp around the dam as the weather was glorious… I ended up just having a wash and whacked a new t-shirt on, best I could do really in the circumstances…

it all felt a little planes trains and automobiles at this point truth be told, back goes in my luggage to guest services... (I’m sure they thought I was tajking the piss and just letting them hold my bag and use their shitter without actually being a customer at the hotel) :rofl: alls well that ends well….

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Friday 20:00 – A Late Arrival at a The Cup

So finally, I was approached by a strange man from a foreign land! Non other than the Sweet Seeds 1st Place Winner – My Green Mojo! Con-ver-fucking-sation… at last!

Was nice to be able to sit and talk to someone! He looked Sober, Stressed and in need of a good slap to wake him up after his 12 morning commute! :rofl: Any way the introductions came thick and fast as we checked in and dumped our bags in the room and we met back up with the now 12 strong group of us (I think)! We jumped into taxi’s and travelled for half an hour outside of Amsterdam, to a secret almost enchanted cabin in the woods. Where they gave out free weed and cups of herbal tea… Next to a church. :yep:

We grabbed the complimentary food and drinks tokens from tommy and chilled next to the camp fire me and MGm getting to know each other with the crackle of an open fire, surrounded by the hoards of stoners, all indulging in the many pleasures on offer, it was almost poetic, man. We shared some of tommie’s smoke and it was a nice vibe all chilling out outside and popping in and out the church watching the crazy band, of particular note was the lead wailer/ banjo thrasher. Truly an inspiring site/wall of sound. :








Here we have the selection of free fodder from the weird pixie cabin, I went for the Warlock to satisfy my curiosity of the few beans I have. It was pleasant, quite stinky, not as fruity as I had imagined. But it burnt fairly well the next day when I smoked it as part of a cocktail neatie. (didn’t get enough for an whole one ☹) as it was wearing thin. As was all the samples food/really due to our late arrival. But at this point I was weighed down with weed anyhow, and probably overweight anyway, hope that copper still isn’t on the prowl :rofl:




This is MGM’s Amnesia Haze(if I remember righlty), Hydro grown :headpain: didn’t even burn. He tried dumping it, but I forced it down is neck. He had travelled for almost 12 long hours and queued nearly as long in the cabin to get it! He WAS smoking it all to himself if he liked it or not. :rofl: He was super disappointed on the whole with the quality of the weed from all over, but I trooped on. Coughing and spluttering my way to an the check-in, in the sky..


Friday 22:30 – Time To Collect Our Cups

So after more chilling-out enjoying the weather around the fire it was time to head indoors to collect our cups. At this point I said to tommy I wasn’t bothered at actually getting on stage, as I truly felt for MGM and let him get all the UK glory for himself as at this point it felt like he was being punished for winning from were I was standing!

So I just bobbled along in the background letting him enjoy the ride. It was nice after collecting the cups as we had all the interactions from the good folks we was sharing the party with. , all asking us the whats, whys and wherefores of the grows etc. the increasingly ever more drunk patrons, coupled with strong dutch accents, it made for a lot of nodding and agreeing. I could have set myself up for anything really.

It was a shame we hit the church late as it seemed they had quite a lot of canna reps theres and a few freebies inside the church. Sadly this is where MGMS’s biggest disappointment came, the lack of Camels!

This year due to their being no Judging for new industry products it was a more tone down intimate affair. I enjoyed the camp fire and the atmosphere at the cup and it was a pleasure to be there with MGM for the ceremony (no offence to Sweet Sweeds for not going up on the stage etc, Tommy was a little dumfounded when I said I wasn’t bothered… Just wanted to let MGM have something for himself etc), I felt honoured to be asked to go along with him, but at this point I had already had a bellyful of the dams delights and poor old MGM feet hadn’t touched the ground at this point).

Friday 00:00 – Taxi’s Back to the Hotel

The party started to wind down after the numerous other awards that followed the Sweet Seeds opening ceremony, as above this was just for the weeds on offer for consideration/testing and non of the product awards of previous years so it was a fairly quick affair, Blue Cheese taking the main cup.

Me and MGM stuffed our trophies full of drinks (and drink tokens we had left over) and jumped in the taxi!

I hit the Northern Lights hard and went to sleep!

Saturday 10:30 – Full English Breakfast

I’ll let the pics do the talking here!




Saturday 12:00 – Breakfast with Sweet Seeds

After a quick brunch around 12:00 with sweet seeds me and MGM got excited and shot off whilst the folks from Prague got out of bed after an heavy night at the cup and made contact with the Sweet Seeds and the other Spanish forum representatives.

Saturday Afternoon – Shopping and Coffee Shops

Due to it being MGM’s 1st time we wanted a quick power tour of the city before he maybe comes back with friends later on in the year, so we shot off taking in numerous coffee shops along the way, but pretty much sticking to the stuff we kept picking up previously/local to the hotel. Central was out closest shop and easily the best from what I could gather from the ones we visited, consistent anyhow. Both for the ability to cobble together a decent deal for your money, and on the whole it appeared soil grown/better flushed across the board and MOST of it was fairly HQ (shame about their hash).

Saturday Night – Romantic Steak Dinner for 2…

After a long day of getting lost both physically and mentally we had a freshen up at the hotel then we went for “dinner” our only true meal for both on the trip…

We kept on with the tour de force on the coffee shops, finishing the night with an hearty meal and many a bevvie in a little watering hole we stumbled into somewhere near the red light district, got tanked up there then went for the “meat and two veg”, well MGM did... I settled for the simple salad and chips side dish

Sunday Morning – Another Round of the local Coffee Shops

I can see a pattern forming now, Central for the morning, afternoon & night time stock up then a random stroll terminating at the Bulldog, for a bottle of Coke & a Neatie. :rofl: this carried on for some time throughout the weekend for me. And I worked my way through the entire menu nearly, especially when I was Home Alone on the Friday. I was doomed at some points off of their tackle...

Sunday Afternoon – Airport for an Hair of the Dog and a few cheeky Pre-flight J’s

So we smoked the remains of the stuff we just bought/had left from the weekend, dumped the smoke/hash/trash we didn’t want (you know who you are!) went for a stiff one at the Bar then said our parting graces!

Sunday – 17:00 – Touch Down UK

Now stocked up on bribes for the missus / duty frees and with my Car intact in the airport parking lot, it made for an happy Budelaire, I must have hit triple figures on the way home to my stash of various Sweet Seeds goodies… you just can’t beat your OwnGrown!

Monday 01:00 – Touch Down MGM

A normal 5 hour flight home saw MGM right (I believe!).

So despite the self made nightmare that I created by not sorting my new phone out (say nav missed most), and with MGMS Mumbai transfer not going according to plan it left for two tired and bewildered travellers, the poor old Prague folks missed their flight completely and ended up driving 12 hours to Amsterdam, I think we should have driven now!!! :rofl:

So we all paid our own price to be at the event, but it was all well worth it when we got our Cups in hand and truly the icing on the cake for all.


Thanks for reading along, and I hope to see you all in the Annual Sweet Seeds grow Diary Competition.



Edited by Budelaire
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Guest yosser hughes

did i miss the bit about the lady boy`s :rofl: sounds like u enjoyed dude`s good on ya well done :bong:

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Lovely mate. Well done both on surviving to live another day. No "incidents" to be revealed at a later date???

Cheers :smokin:

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Smoke Report

Not sure where it all came from but we frequented Greenhouse, Barnies, Grass Hopper, RedLight, Central & Bulldog and maybe more. :stoned:

Cheese (blue) - not bad, ruined me for my initiation spliff.

Orange Bud - really tasty, high quality, burned well and wasnt harsh.

UK Cheese - ropey looking bags but authertic

NYC Diesel - preferred my Ice Cool! but was very nice, did quite a bit of this.

Amnesia Haze - strong!

Red Hair - tasty, high qiuliaty again.

White Widdow - hasrh and didnt burn well.

Jack Herrer - nice left a little of this at the airport

Superskunk - straing and tasty, would defi grow this as i would the orange bud.

G13haze - barnies you dirty bastards. Wouldn't even burn, worse than UK grown - doesn't even smoke it - grows for beer money - dealer suite! 2g for €30. left a half smoked spliff here and there, threw one and the final caused offence at one point in the central the next day as it was that putrid. ditched.

Northern Lights - tasty as fuck, loved all 3-4g of this i had, was harsh though, and burned a little dark.

PowerPlant - worthless i though, high quality but didnt really touch me.

Nepalese hash from Central also. which was like a piece of cake, poor, threw it.

Thats about it, the Warlock was mixed with the super skunk as we never got much.

Edited by Budelaire
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this thread brought a tear to my eye :blub: i miss the dam love the place well done dude that looks like you had a ball! :bong:

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Lovely mate. Well done both on surviving to live another day. No "incidents" to be revealed at a later date???

Cheers :smokin:

apart from MGM's mystery growth/infection its all good!

this thread brought a tear to my eye :blub: i miss the dam love the place well done dude that looks like you had a ball! :bong:

Cheers trip :yep:

one last pic of us on the way to Schipol for the return flights, cups in tow.


Edited by Budelaire
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Back in a mo just gonna chug a blob of hash and get in the groove. Will try to remember something from the trip .



Cool report Bud :guitar: , all i remember is walking from one smoke house to another and looking at a bit of pavement in-between :spliff:lol

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:guitar: My journey to the promised land :guitar:

Man :spliff: , didn't get my Passport 'till the Saturday before the Trip. Talk about cutting it close!!! :sweaty:

This meant the flight's were booked late and i'd landed myself bit of a hop > (Blighty>Frankfurt>Amsterdam).

This is how that journey went;

5.00am Wake up.

6.10am Train to Airport, ( 7.00am Flight To Frankfurt Cancelled). Now have to wait for the 9.20am Flight.

10.40am Arrive in Frankfurt.


I check the boards. My connecting flight onto Amsterdam is not for 4/5hrs, i was still smiling :D .

At times on the connecting flight and due to tiredness and due to lack of weed in my bloodstream i suffered slight hallucination's

This is the Air Hostess going through the motions of inflight safety stuff,


I think i arrived in the 'Dam about 5.45pm or there about's, add to that half hour waiting for my baggage and the taxi journey to the hotel, must be getting on for 6.30pm when i arrive.



i was finally there! the hotel, at this point i could of fell asleep standing up :applause:

Found Budelaire straight away, was floating on a cloud in reception like Monkey off of Monkey Magic lol

"Hey, 'sup Bud ", "Hey 'sup Mojo".

Bags chucked in the digs and off we went to the Cup, Woopwoop Buzzing but fighting the tiredness man, badly :spliff:

Going for a break now........

Peace :hippy:

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The Taxi from the hotel stop's. That's it man, were here


We hit the shack for a sample and i have a little chat with this oldschool hippie dude that must live around these grounds, starts telling me the history of the place, cool as hell he was, should of made time to have a stoner chat with him but needed to mingle a bit like :spliff: .

I didn't like the way some folks in there (Business side of stuff) just dismissed him as he tried to be friendly and chat to them. Damn right fkin ignorant if i'm gonna be honest.

Anyway, i finally get to the counter and my first 5 choices of a taster had gone, can't remember what they were now (all soil grown tho i think). I opt for the more scientific approach at this point in the day and close my eyes>point my finger>open eyes. This puts in my hand some Candy Kush (Hydro). Okay let's go smoke this.

My first smoke of the day :guitar: , bring the joy little bag, bring the joy lol

We both sit down on some steps by the camp fire and roll up. I can now relax and wind down into the flow.

Ready to go i lit the happiness,,, took a chug/blew it out, coughed, looked at the blackness at which the weed was burning and put the joint down. I will not repeat my thought's on said smoko. Trust me i'm holding myself back on that :headpain:

Determined to have some kind of smoko i persevered on like a trooper and pick the joint back up,,,, lit the end,took a chug,lit the end,took a chug, lit the end,took a chug,lit the end,took a chug,lit the end.............until finally it was gone...

Then I remember mooching around a bit with Bud chatting away, smoking something else and having a burger and a few bottles of cider and maybe some more smoko. Ah yeh, there was this band on (last one i think) have no idea what they were called, they were rockin tho man.

Was cool sitting outside the church having a smoke as night fell aswell, the place just felt chilled, dunno just one of them places (a little corner of free type of thing).

Right'o time get our ass's inside, the awards are about to start i think.

Another smoko break now, not my fault i type slow as shit :bong:

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