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my diy variac fan controller


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im tryin to build my sell a variac fan controller by following RastaJedi's pinned thread above. ive got everything the same except for 'an inline 1amp fuse between the mains and the variacs to stop any overload' as i dont know wat that means.

ill try an explain the best i can the stage im at.

right i have the plastic housing with both variacs (from maplins) screwed in. i have the 4 way extention screwed to the side with the wires going into the box(not connected). the cable which attaches to the thermostat into the box which isnt connected to anything. and i have the mains plug wired up with the cables going into the box which again isnt wired up to anything. i have some teminal strips aswell

so all in all i have everything ready to be wired up but i have no idea where anything goes to?

ill put some pics up of what i have an the diagram of the variacs as it has numbers on as does the thermostat.


all help is very much appreciated


first pics are of the variacs

e2a: details of variac:

075A Version

Terminal: Connection:

AC 0 to 240V operation

1: Input & output negative

2: Input positive AC 240 V

3: Output positive AC 0 to 240 V

AC 0 to 270 V operation

1: Input & output negative

4: Input positive AC 240 V

3: Output positive AC 0 to 270 V

also thermostat is a sunvic one if its of any help




Edited by Danlad
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ah right a see, av a few of them, cheers, by any chance ya know where i go from here? like wat numbers i put t where from the variac to everything else, ive read rj's thread but still abit unsure and dont want to guess



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or maybe not. do you want the controller to control two separate fans, or one fan at 2 different speeds? if you want it to control 2 fans (ie inlet and outlet) you'll need a relay

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i have 13A fuse in my main plug, thats better than a 1 init? or shall i put a 1A in it?

right the way i see it from readin RJ's thread that on the variac i put a live wire into NO1 and neutral into NO5, but what goes into 3? earth? but says output, so not sure. on RJ's it say 3 i variable live output but still no clue as to where it goes.


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yeah im trying to follow rj's, and im trying to control 2 seperate fans an use the thermo to control the fans when it goes to a certain temp like if it hits 30deg the fans come on and cool it down, thought this would of bin pretty straight forward, ha, but have the gear now so am determained to get it done



e2a: about the relay does the one rj built have one?

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rj's controller only controls one fan at two preset speeds i believe, to control two fans separately you'll either need another separate thermostat (not ideal because they wont switch on and off perfectly at the same temps) or a relay, best bet is to get yourself a relay. then you wire it so the thermostat switches the relay on, and the relay then switches both of the variacs perfectly in tandem

e2a: as it's two fans, just get yourself a normal 3A plug fuse. a 13a fuse wont blow until over 3a is being drawn from the wall, by which time your speed controller will have melted into a burning pool of plastic, so no, not better :wassnnme:

nah rj's doesn't have a relay, any old relay should do the job as were only dealing with small currents. get yourself onto the maplin website and get yourself a dpdt relay and relay base

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ah right a see, thought rj's controlled 2 fans, :wassnnme: . get wat ya saying bout the fuse, see am learnin summet, ha. anyway ill get ma sell one of these relays from maplins, where does the relay connect 2? cos i could get some of the other bits sorted while i wait for it, or shall i just wait till i get the relay. i appreciate all the help scraglor.



e2a: would it be best to make the one exact same as RJ which just controls high and low range of the fan or do it the way i thought and do it for 2 fans. i do have a fan for intake and 1 for extraction but havnt got round to testing the temps yet so might not need to contol the intake fan. i have a dr120 (120cm x 120 x 200) with a 600w light and a 150LRuck for extraction . what you think?

thanks agen

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i'd go for controlling both fans, as you don't want to set it up for just one, then find you need to turn the exhaust fan down to the point where you get positive pressure, then still have to get the relay and rewire the thing :spliff:

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ok cheers scraglor, will get the relay and go from there.

from the relay you told me to get which one of these do i buy, and the plastic thing that it connects too, is that the base??

Min 10A DPDT 1


Min 10A DPDT 2


8Pin Rly Skt D



8Pin Rly Skt P



e2a: ive found more of them, ha, thes 1A 2A & 5A minature DPDT relays

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amperage isn't too much of a concern, anything over 1A should be fine (as that's the most the variac can put out anyway) just make sure it's rated at 240v and has a 240ac coil. and yes, the base is the plastic thing it plugs into, should be able to just get one with whatever relay you decide to get

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right ive ordered this 'Min 5A DPDT 240Vac' but i dont really know what base i should get, think these are the bases but not sure:

- 14 Pin Rly Skt DIN

- 8Pin Rly Skt DIN

- Rly Skt 5A 14-Pin

- Rly Skt 5A 8-Pin

and while im at it, what does the relay do, be good to know what it does rather than put it where it needs to and let it do its job



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