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Quality & Quantity Ice-hash Easier Than Ever


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Been reading up all the ice-hash threads for ages, racking my brain over what a gold coffee filter is and looking at most of the rather greenish sludges that seem to emerge from most people's efforts, and wondering whether it's worth the bother. Having ca. 1 lb. of quality trim from the summer's guerilla grow, decided to take the plunge and try at least something. Stopped reading the threads and started putting in some common sense.

Did my first batch 2 days ago and got ca. 7 gms. >95% pure hash from ca. 90 gms. of the crappiest trim.

As I wish someone had told me how to do this so easily before I burnt my brain out thinking about it, I thought I'd let you know how I did it. I'll be doing nother batch tomorrow so if people really insist I'll post up some pics, but it's so easy I don't really need to.

You need:

1 bucket straight-sided, pref. with plastic fitting lid (like pre-mix plaster buckets, washed out well)

1 other bucket with slightly sloping sides. Both buckets should have flat bottoms and curved edges if poss.

1 other bucket or similar container.

1 electric drill with builder's mixer whisk.

Loads of ice, more the better.

1 Pair of granma's tights, pref. washed.

1 credit card, but not for ordering Bubble Baaags :rofl:

I didn't have a bucket with a fitting lid, and improvised with a round straight- and high-sided rubbish bin with a plastic plate on top. But I didn't probably agitate enough as the stuff was slopping all over the place so for the batch tomorrow I'll get one of those buckets. You cut a hole for the builder's mixer bit in the lid, chuck in a third ice, bit less than a third cold water and frozen dry trim, up to about 4 ounces would probably be OK. Stick the whisk through the hole into the drill, clamp down the lid as well as poss. and give it hell for about 15 mins. changing the direction on the drill every minute or so. The drill and mixer is the clou of this method I think. It hardly damages the plant material at all and I think probably rips most of the trichs off by centrifuge.

Prepare the other bucket like this (better beforehand): tight a tight knot in both and cut the legs off granny's tights right up at the crotch. Do this with the tights inside out. Tie one of the legs so it gives a real tight fit on the bucket. Turn the crotch bit of the tights (which now resembles a sack with the 2 knots high up on the legs) the right way round again and stretch it over the bucket lip. If you hve a good sized bucket it should be pretty tight, but fix it even better with the leg loop you made.

Take the lid off the mixing bucket and scoop out most of the ice (which is complete mush by now) and the plant material into the 3rd. bucket. Chuck the rest (which will have most of the trichs so be careful here) through the tights into the prepared bucket.

Put all trim and iced back into the mixer bucket, just cover with water and stir with a spoon or give another whirl with the whisk if you think there's more to be had (check with a microscope maybe) and pour through the tights into the collection bucket. Repeat this process until the collection bucket is quite full with water and you can rinse the plant material through the sagging tights in it. Carefully take the tights off and squeeze them out into the collection bucket. Leaf and ice into third bucket for a butter mix or whatever.

You know have one collection bucket full of completely murky frothy water :yinyang: Have one. Be a Believer: you've got there :blub: . Let this bucket settle for bout 10 mins., then pour off very slowly into the (cleaned) mixing bucket. You should, as I did, find a whole lot of gold dust in to bottom. If you've done everything fairly rapidly most filtered plant material should swim off on the water. I had one very small streak of greenish sludge in mine, the rest looked like molten red gold. More like 98-99% pure I reckon.

And here it is, well most of it anyway though I've had to try a fair bit for the quality control :wink: .


Getting a bit spaced from that big C so rest of process tomorrow or later, and as I said, photos if anyone really wants them.

;) !TILT! :yahoo:

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Sound m8, I will be waiting for the photo's.

Nice cheap method, save £100 on a bubblesac and any way, why do people need 6 different qualities of ash, unless of caurse you have tons of leaf loaded with trichs, otherwise your system wins hands down.

Nice 1,


By the way very nice looking piece of ice ash there m8. A great smoke I'll bet?

Edited by Green Goblin
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By the way very nice looking piece of ice ash there m8. A great smoke I'll bet?

Too right chum, better than anything I've puffed in 30 years. The powder really was a reddish golden hue and the gear is like a perfect mix of the best Leb Red and Maroccan Black we used to get a long long time ago, although the ball is dark shit brown.

Try to get some pics up when I do it again the next couple of days. I'm sure there are some bits that can still be bettered so I'll be glad of any suggestions too.

:yinyang: !TILT! ;)

Edited by TILT!
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haggis@home has already posted a much smaller guide in his grow and looks to be the same method

Thanks mate I'll take a look for some tips and stuff. Nothing's new here, I just posted this 'cause I'd have liked to have read it when my brain was fusing reading about gold coffee filters and kitchen whisks...

Haven't tried to make it bubble yet, Hardcore. I like my hash raw and dirty, those pics of FMB with the washed out trichs don't turn me on so much. What't the best way to try it; bit of hash on the end of a knife and heat it or what? I think it'll just melt. If I get a bubble out of it you bet I'll be back in a jiffy with a proud photo :bag:

:yinyang: !TILT! :doh:

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If I get a bubble out of it you bet I'll be back in a jiffy with a proud photo :rofl:

Well I didn't get a bubble but it did melt quickly and completely and evaporated. Waste of a nice little bit of dope :spliff: though managed to get my nose above it just in time. The plant material was from a seed called Olé, which nobody apart from me seems to have grown but reputedly stems as a plant original from the 70s and should peak at 19% THC. That crop had it dry though and the bud wasn't as resinous as usual though I don't know if that has an effect on the THC content in the existing resin. Never understood those THC contents anyway. I reckon, like, if THC makes up for half the resin content and the THC content should be say 20%, then the 40% of the plant would have to be resin. Little bit ambitious methinks :yep:

Was so spaced yesterday I just wrote away and forgot that with stoners like me on this site you have to explain things very very clearly step by step. Found a good bucket with a fitting lid so going to go for another batch and take the digicam along for the ride.

First the boring pics, the equipment.

Here one large bucket with fitting lid and hole in top for drill bit, and pair of tights 20 Den without gusset tied off high up at the crotch and legs cut off.


Back in a mo.

:smoke: !TILT! :smoke:

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...and here's the other bucket with that closed tights' crotch pulled over it, already quite tight (ask the fattest girl you know for a pair of hers :eek: bigger is better)


and now onto the goods, ca. 5 oz. good mostly Blueberry trim with a very few small buds, which are dry and cold enough to crumble up. Not too much though to make too much leaf dust.


BIAM, Back in a mo.

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... and onto the ice, not as much as I'd like but should do, nice big jagged hard bits chopped off from the freezer bit of my fugged-up fridge.....


... which I then smash up a bit with that there axe.

In with the trim and cover well with water


Bucket's now about half full which leaves space to get whirled about.


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....then lid on, drill on and let it rip


If you have a speed adjustment, start slowly and speed up. Mine doesn't, but it can change directions and for some reason goes slower anti-clockwise. I bet either clockwise or anti is better for ripping off the trichs by centrifuge, but haven't read anything yet. What way does bathwater go down? Can't remember..... braindead.... :yahoo: .... stuff's too good.... anyway, I'd reckon the opposite direction would be better, going against the natural flow: the leaf of course wants to keep its jewels lol

Anyway, this is what it all looks like after 5 mins. mixing.


BIAM, got to go let some water down the sink...

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Phew, was anti-clockwise.... B) like I thought of course.

That's good 'cause the drill gets more centrifuge clockwise.

I've continued another 3-4 mins mostly clockwise, just turning every now and again to mix better.

Reckon it's better to hold the drill almost still and let the water, ice and centrifuge do the work. Bit like mixing plaster or rather rendering, and not like beating an omelette, which breaks the flow of the centrifuge and probably smashes the plant material too much.

This is the state of it now:


and this is the state of that big C from yesterday... like more than half gone, which explains my state, which personally I can only describe as sublime B)



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another 2-3 mins. wizzing and it would be hard to believe there were many trichs still attached. Look at the amount of froth: that stuff has been decidedly cocktailed, though rather stirred than shaken :rofl: the ice is mostly mush, so good it was so hard at first.

Here I have ladelled out the floating ice and trim into the third bucket, having gently stirred the froth around a while with a wooden spoon to let any trichs suspended within it to sink to the bottom.


With the mass mostly out, carefully (sorry, carefully, it's ra bit wi' rea trichs :) ) swirl around the remaining water and trim to get the resin up from the bottom and pour the lot through the tights into the collection bucket as rashly as possible without spilling.

In this pic I'm adding that back to the mass, tipping it out of the tights having squeezed the water out through the tights. Look how brown it is underneath.... that's hash, stuffed that clogged and didn't go through the tights.

Pic too big, be right back.

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There will be a lot of trichs left caught in the mass, so cover it with water and stir well and tip the lot through the tights. If the buckets are the same size, your collection bucket will be about two-thirds full by now, and continue to rinse the mass through the tights in any manner until it's actually sitting in the water and you can rinse it completely.

post-10446-1204671797_thumb.jpg post-10446-1204671837_thumb.jpg

Cold hands by now, but the tension is mounting in the Golddigger's shack :)


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Scoop out the weed from the crotch and squeeze it out and put it aside in the mixing bucket. When not much left you can very carefully (not drastic, just annoying if you get a leaf or two in the collection water) detatch the tights and squeeze out the rest in them into the collection bucket.

You now should have this constellation:


What have we got for all our efforts..... one bucket full of clapped out damp weed, one empty bucket and one bucket full of a murky brew that looks like it should be thrown down the drain forthwith. Don't do it..... Be a Believer... there's golddust down the bottom of that soup :) Let's all take 5 or even 15, while this settles.

Any questions so far. We're far from finished.


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Back to work, spliff in hand :wink: :P

Happy as Larry I am. Realise I've been chewing on this for about 2 years now, thinking that there must be some very easy and very effective way of seperating the resin from bud or trim. Sure none of what I'm doing is new, but maybe a few details put together in a slightly different way to make a real cheapskate's alternative to Bubble Bags etc. Be a hoot if in the end I even got better returns this way. Certainly better than what I've resorted to up until now, dry sifting or shaking, also through tights. That has always produced quite a good quantity (+/- 10%) of what I would call a 3rd. grade but tasty hash, like Maroc Gold of old. But from the first batch of 90 gms. Olé I got 7 gm. virtually pure resin and another 2 gm. of less quality (the finest resin particles with a certain amount of waterlogged plant debris and plain dirt, I guess) from the last tipped bucket, left to stand for a day or two. That's 10% and almost all resin :ninja: not bad from trim. What do Bubble Bags produce?

On with the job. Tip most of the settled liquid back into the old collection bucket (this is going to produce your smaller quantity of second grade hash), slowly but steadily to avoid disturbing the sediment too much. It's doesn't matter too much if you remember one golden rule: DON'T THROW ANYTHING DOWN THE GODDAM SINK!!! If you keep tipping fom one bucket to the other and it's all going to be used at some point you shouldn't lose a trich.

The bucket on the right has now got most of the trichs in it.


Let this settle again for a few mins. Roll one up and sit back, enjoying the anticipation of being on the verge of striking gold.


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