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SMSCOM SMC 8 amp Mechanical Fan Controller


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i've searched online but can't find answers to a few questions I have about them. If someone has one perhaps they could help ?

For "auto" negative pressure is it ok to run 2 identical fans, ie 2 x 6" L1's or (1 x 6" L1 & 1 x 6" A1) or (1 x 6" & 1 x 5"). Or can I adjust it if i'm using 2 identical fans ?

Does it come with the 1.8 m temp probe (one place lists it in the specs) or is it an additional extra ?

Finally, if you have one of these mechanical controllers, have you had any problems with it etc ?

G G.

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Hi there.

i have one of these, the 12amp version, mine doesnt have a probe, it has a coil of wire on ther side of the actuall unit that is the temp sensor.

i really like it they are heavy though! You can set them on auto and dial in a set temp or run it on manual they have 5 speed settings and no fan hum.

As for the negative pressure it depends on a few things like length of duct runs,bends in ducting, if you are using a carbon filter, all these things effect the fans performance. if you want to use identical fans you would need to maybe use a damper to slow the inlet down. otherwise either of the other two options you mentioned would work fine.

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Hi Murran,

thanks for your reply mate. Does your smscom have the option of using a plug in 1.8m temp probe ? because it was the 12 amp model I saw that lists it in the specs, ie, in the box. Or is yours an older model ?

I'll probably settle for a 6" & 5" fans now I know the score.

I'm already running 2 x 6" L1's (2yrs old) with smscom 4.5 amp & 600mm rhino with no probs. Picked up new 6" L1 today, put a plug on it & plugged it in the extraction side of smscom just to see if it worked ok. The buzz from the capacitor is off the scale at all speeds. It's ok on input side. Might make a phone call to clarify if 8 amp mechanical comes with/has option of the 1.8m temp probe.

appreciate your input.


G G.

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Mine is a new mode,l at least i havnt had it very long i got it brand new, it doesnt come with a probe option.

Like you said maybe give the place a ring see what they say. :stoned:

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Hi Murran,

further trawling on the net reveals that smscom have discontinued making the 8 amp model, although it would seem that quite a few shops still have them available.

I've decided to go for the 12 amp one, rather than buy something that's already obsolete.



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Sounds like a plan.

That way if you ever want to upgrade to bigger fans you have a controller that can cope with it :D

good luck with it .


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  • 4 months later...

Hey guys sorry to bump this old thread but I have one of these and don't know what the UIT setting does :unsure:

Theres AUTO and MANUAL which is obvious but theres ALSO the UIT setting, when I put it on that setting it does nothing?

Any idea guys, cant find anything from google and it says nothing on their site or indeed the instructions, is it just off?

Cheers :skin_up:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did you ever find the answer to your question cannabisking? if so what was it?

cheers. :skin_up:

No mate I think it's just "OFF" cos that's all that happens when I switch it to that setting

I have to say tho, now I have a grow in there and have used it a while, what a great peice of kit I have an 8" out and 5" in and it works a treat, keeps a perfect environment however I think the intake will be unused during the winter as it will probably make the room to cold with this much air movement

Cheers :smokin:

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Thanks for the quick response cannabisking. :yep:

one more thing if i may, is there much noise when it steps between settings? only the guy in the shop mentioned this and advised that the digital sms would be better but thats gonna hum or buzz also i believe its a bit of a heavy beast and with the temp probe non detachable the whole unit would have to go inside groom.Wouldnt want it collapsing!.So i'm a bit confused. :unsure:

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It's Dutch for Off.

Thanks for clearing that up Bude mate :yep:

Thanks for the quick response cannabisking. :yep:

one more thing if i may, is there much noise when it steps between settings? only the guy in the shop mentioned this and advised that the digital sms would be better but thats gonna hum or buzz also i believe its a bit of a heavy beast and with the temp probe non detachable the whole unit would have to go inside groom.Wouldnt want it collapsing!.So i'm a bit confused. :unsure:

Yeah tis a beast for sure mate and really heavy, here she is in my Groom..


I would imagine it would be quite hard to fit it into a tent bro, as for the noise it sounds like the dude in ya local store is trying to sell his controller to ya mate, there is no hum, buzz or anything coming from the fan, the only noise is the sound of air rushing, the fan is silent.. If noise is an issue ya deffo need a Variac step controller, I tried a voltage controller and anything between 20 and 80% power makes the fan buzz like hell, can't be doing the fan much good either mate

CK :yinyang:

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Nice piece of kit CK!

I'm sold on it i just am not sure if it would work in a tent.I think i read somewhere that 30kg was max you could suspend from tent obviously taking into account in this case,filter,light and shade.Not sure but i may have read somewhere that the unit weighs 10 or 12kg so it might work.Decisions decisions!!

cheers mate. :smoke:

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Here's a step controller from GREENS it's not controlled automatically by a thermostat but you'll get no buzz from ya fan and its a damn sight lighter and cheaper lol

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  • 6 months later...
Guest ickiwoo

Sorry to bump an old thread but i feel this is the only way forward for me.

Am i right in saying the 4.5 amp smscom will cause hum because its not variac controlled...

The 8amp or 12 amp smscom mechanical is variac controlled and eliminates the hum.

Many thanks in advance.

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