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Carbon Filter,on the cheap.


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I built this a while back to filter the smell from my grow room when I had ten white widow flowering :wassnnme: and cos I didn't have the cash to buy one from a retailer.

It worked a treat just sitting in the corner venting into the room,I've since put it up on the ceiling with an rck125 inline extractor and vented outside to lower my temps and it's working even better and a lot quieter aswell :smoke:


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The parts required are,

1.A large bus or truck air filter.

Bus and truck firms replace these filters on a regular basis and are useless regarding scrap or recon value so if you pop along to either and ask nicely for one of their used filters like I did then your half way there.

2.Super activated(better)or activated carbon pellets.

These you will get from any good aquarium shop as they are used in fish tank water purifiers.Should cost you about £3 a kilo and youll need three kilo.

3.Foam sheets

I got these from a foam cushion/pillow shop in town.10mm thick by1.5m long by 0.5m wide.Each sheet was £2 and I used two sheets.

4.Silicon sealant tube and applicator.

Any good DIY store,got mine at faithfull ole B&Q around £3

5.A peice of 100mm pipe.

I got this from work but B&Q sell them at the kitchen/bathroom extractor aisle.


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You'll need to disassemble the air filter and clean the two end caps and inner /outer grills,thoroughly with hot soapy water then best to rinse in a mild bleach/water solution,throw the filter part away.

Attach the 100mm pipe to one of the end caps and seal in place with silicone sealant so it's airtight.


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Next thing to do is trim the foam to the height of the filter,both peices.

Then stick the two together with silicone sealant end to end and unlike my first attempt raise it of the table to cure cos it sticks to that too :wassnnme:


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When that had dried,a day,I got the inner mesh of the filter and the foam which was now 3m long by the height of the filter and made a hollow swiss roll using carbon pellets as jam.

I had to do this bit a few times cos it was tricky getting it rolled tight enough so as the pellets wouldn't fall to the bottom when stood upright :wassnnme:

Next slip this into the outer mesh,easier said than done,and get the end caps sealed on with silicone.

Leave to dry for a day,connect to an extractor to suck air through the filter and all that lovelly bud smell is gone. :smoke:


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job's a good'un, payday.................. ;)

top diy................ ;)

sr :impressed:

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Excellent stuff payday

Cheers for sharing that.

I would never have thought of using a bus filter


Edited by NPK
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  • 11 months later...

Hello every1,Im a new member from Oz,Just want to ask the bloke who made the bus carbon filter a few questions hope he/she is still around 1.Did it fully remove smell/odour even when in full flower 2.Do you hook it up before the outlet/fan 3.How many watts were you running and will it handle a 3600 watt grow/10 plants Thanks :headpain:

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Hi Bigsmoker,

It completely removed all smell which was escaping from my grow room(spare bedroom) which is about 3m/4m/2.5m,I had 2/400w hps and a 400w mh going and around 20 plants mostly very smelly white widow,some skunk#1 and hawian haze(first decent grow).

I've still got it running,15 months on,and it's still doing it's job fine.My drying box is also vented into the flowering room and it handles this too.Not bad for £20(Aus$53) :headpain:

The filter has air drawn through it by an inline ruck 125(275m3/h)extractor then passed outside via some ducting........Filter>Fan>Outside.

I don't know if the ammount of light you are using will produce more smell from youre ten plants though I've had as many as 27 all flowering away no problems,apart from the tight squeeze and the ammount of care they needed.

Hope this answers all your Q's and good luck with the grow m8.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi, sorry to open an old topic like this but I have a problem. I've been given the filter, but it's very big and the ends wont come off! I think it's stuck with glue or something, any ideas how to get it off?


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