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Mystery Cheese Surprise!


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It's a gift from a friend, completely unexpected, arrived a few weeks ago and is beginning to whet my appetite. Just keeping a couple of mums going at the moment with everything else cleaned, dismantled and put away but the voices are telling me just to get a little one on so I can taste her loveliness. Have no idea what type of cheese it's supposed to be and no knowledge of it's growing characteristics so I'm just going to potter along as I usually do and see what happens. Just wondered if there were any tips or hints you could give me regarding growing cheese. Other than the fact it stinks to high heaven I know nothing about how it grows or what it likes and my friend wasn't exactly a font of information about it. Any insights or observations from your experiences would be much appreciated.


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Cheese is alls i have ever growin really mate with exception of a few different hazes! Its grows lovely... Responds well to L.S.t or supercroppin and all topping and fim methods. One thing i would say is... Cheeses av quite short flower times ... Suppose to be 8 weeks and flush on week 7... Well my 'tip' is to leave them for an extra week or 2 if u can this made a MASSIVE differece to the density of the buds. Ano some people say over flowering decreese thc levels but keep clockin the trichomes man an make sure your still around 30% amber. Hope this helps in some way anyway mate let us know :smokin:

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Thank-you it does help immensely. I tend to give everything an extra week in any case but it's good to know that this should be getting there in 7 or 8 weeks. Have you had any problems with bud rot keeping them going for the extra week or so? At the end of my last one, even after raising the lamps for the final couple of weeks, I still lost a good few colas to rot and that was with minimum and maximum air temperature and humidity of 20-26c and 20-40% respectively. One of the strains that I grow is especially susceptible just at the end of flowering when all the fan leaves yellow and die. The tiny fan leaves poking out of the buds die and the stalks deep inside the bud go mouldy with the rot eventually this spreads to the rest of the bud eating it away from the inside. It's a royal pain in the ass because as soon as the chlorosis hits the fan leaves I know I'm on the clock and have about a week to take them down before they get riddled with it.

Thank you again. And I will do a diary to keep everyone updated, just have to finish off a bit of painting and reorganising the garage, soon as that's done and I'll get some cuts going.


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Well personaly mate.. The last one i took down... I left it for a full ten weeks.. An i done a 7 day flush with and a 72 hour dark period... The end product was really impressive! Frosty as fuck man hahaha.. But anyway with it bein left for a ten week flower i was shittin my self about bud rot but all was ok :) an another little tip mate.. I try to take nearly all the dead leafs of towards the end so this might help with avoiding tha leathel bud rott. Anythin else u wana discuss mate let us know am always ready to talk about cheese seems as its near enough alls i grow :smokin:

Edited by Drgreenthumb12
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Why don't you ask your mate about the plant? I've grown cheeses for my last few grows and there's all types of phenos. It's hard to give advice about a single vegging plant. It could be a stretchy sativa, short indica or mix of the two. It could be an 8-9 weeker or a 10-12 weeker. There's too many variables.

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Various reasons, not least of which being the fact that I don't want anyone to know I grow occasionally. All anyone else knows is I enjoy a smoke now and then. I'm a once a year grower currently, that sees me through, this arrived completely out of the blue and unbidden, was given to a friend who enjoys a smoke but they had no idea how to look after it, they know I smoke and were paranoid about having her around the house so I appropriated her during my last visit. My friend just hasn't the knowledge or experience to ask the pertinent questions never mind relay the answers. They can have it back in a couple of weeks after I've "trimmed" it because it was getting too big.


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I was just wondering. I'm currently on day 62 flowering of 8 ghs exodus cheese. Some are tall, some are short. Some looked ready at 8 weeks, some look like they could go a few weeks longer. It's really hard to give advice.

Cheese is a great plant though. Responds well to topping. Not a fussy feeder. Great smell, high and taste. I'd imagine, as you have a cut, it will be pretty special if you grow it out. Good luck.

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