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Science - Good And Bad?

Arnold Layne

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Guest Gert Lush
Google 'Darwin' Gert.
Hearsay, in other words? (Or that most treacherous of logical faults, the invocation of higher authority?)

Any thoughts of your own?

(Besides myself, erm, hm) I can name a million things that don't exist "in order" to reproduce.

Let's start with my plants. If they as much as try to reproduce, it's the compost heap, and they know it! :rofl:

Except, of course the ones I want to reproduce. Nothing to do with them, and the certainly don't exist "in order" to.

No, they exist to spread pleasure and peace... Like so many other things...

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Guest Gert Lush
Sorry Gert, my mistake. I thought the thread was about science rather than personal opinion.

Yes, it is. On both counts, I think.

I'll leave it at that.

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Yes, it is. On both counts, I think.

Completely understandable as your concept of anything is the only one that matters. Personally, I would have said Arnie's intentions might be slightly more valid as he started the thread but I hate to argue with the infallable.

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I think Chris Morris had it right it his 'Brass eye' science documentary.

Try and watch it if you haven't seen it. It will give you all the answers.


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You still with us, Om?

Not sure I ever was Arnie, I just agreed because it made me look like I understood what you all were talking about. I am a simple man with simple tastes, simple being the key word here :smoke:

Om :yep:

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but I hate to argue with the infallable.

I don't think infallability exists, and it certainly has no place in a thread like this. In fact, it is precisely the way in which certain scientists see their science as infallible that worries me most. Nothing can be infallable - as all is perception and subjective.

Not sure I ever was Arnie, I just agreed because it made me look like I understood what you all were talking about. I am a simple man with simple tastes, simple being the key word here :doh:

Om :yep:

:smoke: Simple? Hmmmmm, no. Still waters running deep, methinks.

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Everything exists to reproduce

Not at all. That is nonsense, old chap. Does an ocean procreate? Does the wind seek a lover with whom to mate?

The "big bang" and its` chemical consequences may have started a little reproduction here and there, but only amongst the flora and fauna of the planet, and interestingly, most religions called for celibacy for their priests, as if sexual activity somehow lessens the drive in the quest for knowledge.

I still reckon that science just exisits, whether we like it or not. The speed of light was always so, even before mankind knew how fast it travelled, the human race breathed oxygen, even before it was called oxygen.

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Not at all. That is nonsense, old chap. Does an ocean procreate? Does the wind seek a lover with whom to mate?

Maybe I should have said everything living landsker but as the point I responded to was 'why do we exist' I thought that was a given.

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Why do we exist is a tough one. You could say it's to reproduce or to evolve but then what's the point of that?

I have another question, maybe someone could answer it. I believe it's electrons which appear and disappear. I think it is. Where do they go when they disappear and where are they coming from when they appear?

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Everything exists to reproduce

All living things reproduce, but that doesn't mean that reproduction is their sole purpose, or even the main one. All living things also eat, and eliminate waste, and die.

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as i said before that all beings? reproduce is an explanation for their present existance, how they are still here, it does not say why.

i think to say "all things exist to reproduce", misses the point, all these things exist because they are maintainted by reproduction, just as we exist because we are maintained by eating, but eating is not our only perpose, nore is reproduction, reproduction enables us to exist now, but it is not our meaning.

i say we were not created for a reason, humans are the only things ive seen that percieve the world in terms of reasons, nature just is, and has no need of reason, but we like em and should make em up and one of the reasons should be to create justice in a random universe

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if it wasnt for science you woud have nothing to smoke! criminals would run free and the world would be worse than it is. im studdying biomedical science and at first thought it would be too hard but its very interesting. making a cup of tea or coffee is classed as a scientific experiment. it all depends on the intentions of those choosing science and how they apply it.

Mrs T1

Edited by T1Neo
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