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Decarbing using an air fryer

Crow River

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Air fryers have really dropped in price lately, so I picked up one and we will be using it instead of the electric fan oven when preparing smaller meals. Uses about half the electricity.


It seems to have quite precise temperature control, and I thought why not try decarbing weed in it? Checked online and there are guides to doing so. I make edibles regularly (mostly coconut oil) so if I can do so without using so much electricity, could be good.


Anyone here done this?



Edited by Crow River
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11 hours ago, Crow River said:

It seems to have quite precise temperature control, and I thought why not try decarbing weed in it?


I guess initially it could be a bit hit and miss and dependent on the brand of fryer, amount of weed, etc. A few sacrificial runs may be required.



Edited by Lux_Interior
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I'd be very careful decarbing in an air fryer especially when they're designed to cook food quicker at a lower temperature  


You need to ve fairly precise to get it right and I definitely don't think an air fryer will do that. Sorry if its burst your bubble but I'd rather my bubble went pop than lose weed.


I bought a herboven off zon and with the deals they're having this month you might get one for under £80

Edited by Darknight420710
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I make sift hash for edibles first (can't stand the overboiled cabbage taste), and only decarb in the oil. This would most likely work the same for ground bud, and there's little smell as it's all kept in the oil. 


Just a though. And the air fryer won't reek of ganj, :D 


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@smilertoo, my usual practice is to decarb in an oven bag anyway, so no terpene loss. Usually use a fan oven, so an air fryer is like a turbo version of that I suppose. TBH I don't think my oven's temperature control is very precise anyway, but point taken @Darknight420710 about possible issues. :) Sometimes grind beforehand, sometimes just break buds up by hand. @Slippy One,I actually like the "cabbage" taste, but then I'm one of those weirdos that loves cabbage: raw, boiled, steamed, fried, baked, stewed, you name it! lol Haven't yet decarbed dry sift - usually just vape kief for an extra wee boost... @Lux_Interior, I've got bud coming out my ears just now, so if I fuck up a small batch, well it's live and learn I suppose. :g:


Will give this a bit more thought, timing may be different from an oven, but surely if I refer to the recommended temperature/time combo for decarbing then how exactly the heat is delivered is irrelevant? I may be wrong, but air fryers are more efficient because the volume heated is smaller than a conventional oven, are they not? So doesn't use as much electricity...



Edited by Crow River
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Just now, Crow River said:

I've got bud coming out my ears just now, so if I fuck up a small batch, well it's live and learn I suppose. :g:


if bud is coming out your ears (A) Can I have a cut & (B) See a doctor :smokin:

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I've never done it myself but a friend of mine uses his for a decarb. I'll be giving it a go next time I do one, in a oven bag to try and keep the smell in a bit. It's got to be better than am oven surely. 

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I currently have 100g of trim and sift leftovers in my slow cooker with 600ml (2 jars) of coconut oil. It will “cook” for 4-8 hrs on low. It deffo tastes of toasted weed ( I actually quite like this coupled with the coconut oil taste) but when strained and set half a teaspoon is all that’s needed. 

Helps with Mrs d’s insomnia. :yep:


Never tried the air fryer but I would think it would be too aggressive.


Fuck me this bus I’m on stinks of weed. Mmmmmm :afro:

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11 hours ago, lildaveham said:

Fuck me this bus I’m on stinks of weed. Mmmmmm :afro:


Maybe it's you? lol


Anyway, yeah we have a slow cooker, but I would worry about the smell, especially if the thing's on all day. I do the infusion in the fan oven, late at night when most folk are asleep. Bit more stealthy that way. Only takes a couple of hours at a low temperature..

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  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

Currently decarbing some ground Shaman in a roasting bag in the air fryer. Seems to be doing the trick. Only issue at first was that the fan blows the roasting bag around, so the knotted end got stuck on the heating element and started to melt! 😮  To stop that happening, I popped the wee grill rack insert thing on top of the roasting bag to pin it in place. Now working a treat: I just turn the bag every ten minutes or so, and give it a shake.


Will be using coconut oil to infuse: two jars. I'll split the decarbed weed into two portions, and just add to the jars. Pop the jars in the slow cooker, in a water bath. Should do the trick, I'll infuse for maybe 3 hours or so.



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Ive used an air fryer loads of times. I put the bud in a jar and put the jar in the air fryer. Same again for the infusion. Works a treat, never had a problem.

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Posted (edited)

@Shogun good to know. Air fryer is so much more economical than using the oven, uses a fraction of the electricity. Which stands to reason as it's a much smaller volume to heat...



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I got one of them mini oven air fiyers, would wrapping the ground up bud into cooking foil flat work?

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