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If you go this way, learn to sing or practice yoga. Best ways I know (and tried) to learn to breathe.

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Just now, purepotstill said:

learn to sing



i was feeling pretty shit at the beginning of the year and dug out my old acoustic guitar, and grabs some lyrics from some old songs i used to like playing/singing, i belt out creep by radiohead now and again among some others but i'm a lazy bastard when i start to feel better and don't keep it up.

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Definitely have a break from smoking and see how you go. If your anything like me you’ll struggle to sleep and be irritable for a few weeks but you’ll be amazed at how much your brain comes alive once you get through the rough part. Constant smoking is not good, but most of us do it lol. It definitely can slow us down when abused. What’s the worst that can happen, you’ll save yourself some weed/money and might feel a bit fresher for trying :yep:

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@Aphatspliff Been thinking about the consumption recently and how it may be a factor..  life wasnt great in my teens so kind of hard to tell if it’s the smoke or circumstances or just me   Started smoking at 14 - when half a joint would make me white and a bong rip was trippy asfk (miss that). Social smoker, when offered. Dabbled in anything I was offered until my late teens really. Smoked heavily (3-4g a day) since I was 18. Even more after quitting drink. Read a lot online that it isn’t good for developing brain. Even caffeine, prescription drugs etc. 


I wonder if the amount I smoke has an impact. Lifestyle (not going out much, not eating at regular times, arguments & feeling shite etc.) and past events impacting too undoubtedly. Haven’t seen doctor in couple years but I’m going to book an appointment because it can’t hurt to try, and it seems to be most recommended by everyone everywhere. 


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not sure what others see here but the page has gone wonky  Ill try againnn


As a very young kid ......I always wondered how people spoke,,,,..

Like where'd they get the words from and such for a conversation...... It's like I had no thoughts of my own to talk with others about.

As a kid .....reading allowed ..was scary due to a reading issue dyslexia...saw everything backasswards.

My dad who also had issue talking to others growing up, took a pubic speaking course. He said it helped him speak to 1000's of people at once at conferences and such..

I spoke to my old man about it and he said..you have to practice and learn how to speak. :huh:

So........I took a job as a DJ in a strip join lol  Public speaking over a microphone ....................is right scary

hearing yourself out loud..WHO IS THAT WEIRD GUY SPEAKING :unsure:

All I can say is...It helped..I can easily get up in front of a large crowd and speak..where as before? Id sooner have crawled into a corner and disappeared.

so practice does indeed help ..

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@MindSouphey mate. The chefs are understanding & very encouraging. End of day they’ll thank me and say i done a great job. It’s not like most kitchens, never any shouting or people getting annoyed. End of a busy day they’ll give everyone a cold beer lol also cool with weed, a joint immediately after a hard day is always nice.. I’m anxious around friends and family too, Parents, gf parents.. everyone really. I use work as the example as it’s where I really need/want to improve my communication.
I was one of them people mate. For years I came up with every reason for why I didn’t have ADHD lol the anxiety is a bastard. Thanks for the kind words mate. 
 I tried the breathing exercise and(if I was doing it correctly) was able to breathe fine. Had just smoked a bong + joint too lol
My first day back I tried my best. We were busy and when that first docket came I called it out as clear and concise as possible. Shaky and sweaty for few min but it calmed. Didn’t get in way of working.. Next call was easier.  Not perfect, few times I didn’t call them but big improvement just trying to remember someone’s got to do the job.. 
not once was I asked to repeat myself when shouting out, so I know im loud enough lol I’ll get there.
@Hashcity You’ve had a rough time man sorry to hear that. Glad your seeing improvement now. I was prescribed sertraline too, I didn’t notice much difference with them. Quetiapine made me tired and groggy through out the day. Loved them for sleep but practically couldn’t take them forever. The daytime was not nice. Like a zombie from taking them each night. Couldn’t sleep well for few days when I stopped taking then & had nightmares but I realised how much better sleep felt when it isn’t drug induced.. very refreshing. Megaphone fitted to voicebox.. lol I like it. I think with time it will get easier for me. I’m actually quite excited to challenge the issue. In a role I’m comfortably forced to do it. 
@Goohfy There was a really chatty woman working in local shop and i hates going when she was there mate lol your not alone. Even if serving she’d greet me with a big smile and hello when i walk in,and ask a load of questions when checking out. Lovely person, just chatty lol I feel rude when idunno what to say and give short replies so best to avoid I thought lol. I like the Chinese. English not their first language and we’re communicating at the same pace lollol  One thing I know is we can improve the things we put our mind too, researching what works for other people and doing our best to enjoy the only life we got
Edit - I will get replying to rest later on (maybe tomorrow if I fall asleep) I need a wee smoke break lol 
Edited by AnonyMice
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Really interesting thread. I've run my whole adult life, jogging helps my anxiety and I always feel better after a run. The road is where I also sort out my shit, I do my best thinking/decision making on the road, just me and my thoughts.

I appreciate running is not for everyone but if you are physically able give it a try, it might just change your life.

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1 hour ago, Island Lifer said:

I appreciate running is not for everyone



walking in the countryside is just as good, i can't risk running as my knees are fucked from work as is so i walk my dog 4-5 times a day, the evenings are best on a little nature reserve just up the road, ran into a couple of badgers last night, mum and oldish pup lol

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Any activity in the green's good for the head. I do some mountain bike weekly, I'm lucky enough to have some wild hills to explore, with the occasional boars, herons or buzzards. So walk, run, bike, fish or anything else, but going green's never bad.

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I’ve found cycling helpful. I like attempting challenging hills/routes.. maybe fail a handful of times but eventually becomes easy, then give myself another challenge. Was very much this way with skating. Huge part of my life I stopped overnight, wanting to get back into it. Dunno if it’s ‘socially acceptable’ to skate as an adult? lol

Great fun tho I miss it.

Have a mountain bike I’ve broke too many times to bother fixing. Focusing on driving test atm. Getting out creating spots and visiting plants was a great destresser last year. Had a family death that hit hard just before I decided to start growing, lost job shortly after but made sure I wasn’t always sitting at home doing fuck all. Time spent with plants, something to admire and feel proud about kept my motivation going..

I finished that season knowing I’m capable of learning and can do anything I put my mind to. I felt brighter and had a lot more confidence in my work ethic, intelligence, ability to learn etc. 

Was determined not to be in a slump after harvest. When the season ended I done a 6 month college course, found a new job (way better for me) and have a baby on the way (unexpected but no less exciting!).. things are still tough, mental health etc. but probably would’ve be a hell of a lot worse if I didn’t keep motivated and give myself a better perspective to look at. 

Today’s a shit one, but not as bad as I used to make things when having a day. Mentality is everything

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Dude - massive congratulations on the impending fatherhood :) That will certainly keep you busy mate lol Keep on keeping on - you can only fail if you give up.

Edited by Owderb
Please use the @function
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Cycling, walking, fishing, pretty much anything outdoors helps me massively. If I’m feeling shit I drag my arse outdoors and 9 times out of 10 it does the trick. CBD and mushrooms help as well! 


Try not to get too caught up in the negative thoughts, most people are struggling, the worlds a pretty tough place to exist at the minute lol but it is what is and just have to make the best of what you got. Having plants to tend to and hobbies/activities to keep occupied is must IMO.


Good luck with the little one!



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On 07/03/2023 at 6:37 AM, Island Lifer said:

I always feel better after a run

I'm the same with bike rides, sadly my groin injury has made a come back and stopped me riding for over a month :crybaby:


Might try and go for a short ride on Sunday and stand up the whole ride :g:

Edited by Military Grade
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Dunno how old you are mate but I wouldn't worry about being socialy accepted in regards to picking up skating again. I'm approaching my 40s and picked my board up again last year. Occasionally I go down to a local park on my own (easier in the summer ) and just skate for a few hours. If you go early morning or late evening you miss out all the kids on the scooters etc. 

As others have mentioned, running is great for clearing the head. Or even just a hard 20 minute Joe wicks hit work out on YouTube would be beneficial.

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Just don't care about what people think. I've started mountain bike last year at 46. Fell riding down my 1st single track and was in stitches when I realized it was about 30 years since my last drop lol. So why not skating ? Just be careful and protect yourself.

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