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Social anxiety


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I dunno if weeds helpful or not. I smoke in the morning and as soon as I get home from work right until bed. Problem is when I go to work I can’t fuckin talk. My job is to literally communicate with chefs, calling out dockets & plating up the orders, making sure they working on right stuff etc. Good at every aspect but talking.. feel like I appear stupid.. being told to shout out, speak up etc. Didn’t used to be like that. Used to be quite the opposite, full of jokes & making conversation with everyone. Yet now in my early 20’s struggle to just speak up. Diagnosed adhd. Haven’t seen physiatrist since I was 16 and wasn’t really interested in it then.. are they helpful?  Took medication through my life but don’t like the drowsy feeling or the adhd med symptoms really. Manage okay with a smoke. But don’t want to miss life, opportunities etc because of a lack of confidence. Dunno what to do about it really. Been an issue about 4/5 years. Only starting to bug me, only got 1 life. Any advice welcome 

Edited by AnonyMice
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Maybe try CBD concentrate dabbing with a dab pen or something similarly discreet, get the calmness without the stone

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I find microdosing edibles helps with my social anxiety, providing it's the right kind of strain (Cream Caramel works for me) - note the micro bit lol not enough to give a buzz, just a little nibble of cannachocolate. Also not cannabis-related but I find drinking decaffeinated green tea helps with my overall anxiety levels.

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yeah, green tea helps, and i think more indica based hybrids do too, but not the heavy "dunters" like rhino etc.

some of the red strains are less potent useful daytime smoke. or like said try the cbd ones.

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My 1st advice would be to practice. Yeah, practice. If talking to people becomes more difficult, train yourself. Even alone in front of a mirror. Better with a friend to roleplay. Record yourself too. Most people having to talk in public do that, it helps to know what you look/sound like in situation. I teach my native language, and if orality is not something innate, there's always room to improve if you want it.


About ADHD, I know a bit, one of my children being diagnosed high IQ with AD (only, not HD). After meeting neurologists, psychotherapists, occupational therapists, and talking with him, he's now taking some methylphenidate on school days. And holy shit, this thing's magic for his attention deficit. He's now able to follow instructions, and to get concentrate during the day. He's very happy about that.

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Found improvement with adhd meds before but I didn’t have anxiety then. I was just getting in less trouble and other people noticed for a while lol and I never ‘get in trouble’ now.. was just a rebellious teen. I’d need to see a psychiatrist to get adhd meds as GP can’t prescribe them, silly enough being diagnosed with it.. don’t think it would help the anxiety tho. 

Being mindful probably the best thing I can do. Reminding myself in every kitchen everywhere someone does the same job.. do it the best I can. It should become routine eventually. My last 2 workplaces I struggled withcommunication too, but it wasn’t the centre of my job and i done well. I’m not gonna let it be a forever thing. Without communication it can be pretty tough to progress in life in general. I don’t want to be anxious when i have a kid, want them to grow up confident. Lots of reasons to sort it out now anyways.. thinking psych may be wise lol 

lots of good tips will try the cbd and green tea, maybe together. I already lean towards indica dominant but am using dealer atm unfortunately, so no pick. Nice tasty weed though! lol 

micro dosing edibles.. @Boojum how much should I use? Normally with edibles it’s a no weigh, the more the merrier thing with me lol I don’t get to enjoy them much so they usually pack a punch. I’d try using micro amounts, I know it ain’t gonna hurt lol. 

Edit - silly question, I suppose I use however much I find works :bangin:

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have you thought about seeing a public speaker trainer? might be worth contacting one and seeing if they can help

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On 02/03/2023 at 7:35 PM, AnonyMice said:

I dunno if weeds helpful or not. I smoke in the morning and as soon as I get home from work right until bed. Problem is when I go to work I can’t fuckin talk. My job is to literally communicate with chefs, calling out dockets & plating up the orders, making sure they working on right stuff etc. Good at every aspect but talking.. feel like I appear stupid.. being told to shout out, speak up etc. Didn’t used to be like that. Used to be quite the opposite, full of jokes & making conversation with everyone. Yet now in my early 20’s struggle to just speak up. Diagnosed adhd. Haven’t seen physiatrist since I was 16 and wasn’t really interested in it then.. are they helpful?  Took medication through my life but don’t like the drowsy feeling or the adhd med symptoms really. Manage okay with a smoke. But don’t want to miss life, opportunities etc because of a lack of confidence. Dunno what to do about it really. Been an issue about 4/5 years. Only starting to bug me, only got 1 life. Any advice welcome 

I have this and many more mental health problems and I know of many friends colleagues and family members who have this or similar it is very common and it’s a horrible inflicting health condition ahh shit i understand where you’re at it’s not nice I have tried nearly everything but them little fuckers pop up all the time panic sweating makes everyday life hard.This is true I have known a couple 30 years plus who run a chip shop now because the lady is really nice and chatty I can not deal with it so my missus has to go and collect the fish and chips.That all down to my social anxiety CRAZY eh.20 years ago I was on all kinds of pharmaceutical medications some did help but as a hole it wasn’t making me very well so I tried to change things I consumed did more walking cut a few of the heavy meds out kept on others. Helped a bit but still have a fucked up nogging and please don’t stop any meds without taking with your specialist before anything peace Goohfy.

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I suffer from bad anxiety I have found it helps to just keep it in your head that nobody gives a fuck and they are too busy worrying about themselves and their own problems. People have far too many problems of their own to care about what someone else sounds or looks like 

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i've also found that for anxiety in general, planning ahead can really help, i have to be pretty meticulous about work related things, especially, in my job in particular, laying underfloor heating and making sure all the boxes are ticked as the process is carried out, i can lose hours/days worrying about shit like that.

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I suffer with anxiety too. Over Christmas was terrible. Anxiety and depression all day every day apart from when asleep, after knocking myself out with weed.. Anyway, things had never been that bad before and i don't know how i didn't just end it all, i was planning on killing myself and decided to stop my medication for anxiety the first Monday in January so i could feel "everything" ya know, to try and get to the bottom of why i was feeling like that.. So came off 150 mg of sertraline, and 1 wk ago approx, i felt better (suddenly like) and never felt better if I'm being honest, just little twinges now and again (growing troubles) but i have counselling as well and the main thing i took from the counsellor was the mad roundabout (not magic) that i was on... You'd think trying to get off the roundabout would be what i wanted but i was scared to jump off as I'd become "comfortable" with being anxious and depressed or unable to see past it.. Negativity was breeding more negativity and so on.. I really do try now, to think positive, easier said than done, but also it's easier to do once you have done it once, and then again, it becomes the new you.. 

Anyway @anonymice, speak like you mean it, clear and concise, if people don't hear you, don't worry, say it again and joke about it, tell them that you're getting a megaphone fitted to your voice box, or that you sat on ya bollocks this morning and can't shout loud enough! It should help everyone relax and it could become a go to chill out and laugh with your colleagues type thing.. You are a young man with plenty to offer, please do laugh in the face of uncertainty and discomfort and enjoy what you do mate! Onwards and upwards, keep smiling and BE LOUD and be noticed :smokin:

Don't be a waffler like me though! 

Just to ad, don't stop any medication that your gp has prescribed unless your gp tells you too! Cheers! 

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I keep trying to reply to this thread but I feel like I've got too much to say and it keeps descending into nonsensical waffle so I'll keep it short. 


I can definitely relate to your situation, it sucks when your in the thick of it but rest assured your not alone and everyday people are fighting the same battles and winning, keep trying and you will as well. A lot of people never even manage to recognise and acknowledge their mental health problems so you're already well on the way.


I had a major discovery in my own personal journey not so long ago. It seems a bit silly, but turns out after 31 years on this planet I hadn't learned one of the most basic fundamentals, how to breathe properly. Apparently it's all too common, especially amongst smokers because of the reflex you build over time. Anyway long story short, belly breathing. Lie down on your bed with one hand resting on your chest, focus on breathing nice and slow, but also only through your diaphragm, your rib cage should me completely still. If you find that hard to do, chances are you're in the same boat. Luckily with a bit of guidance and practice it's an easy thing to learn. 


I've had a fair bit of counseling, spiritual healing, homebrew psychedelic therapy etc and although I've found value in it all, nothing has made such a night and day difference as just learning how to breathe. If it feels like that might be something that could help then have a look into it or drop me a message. 


Have you tried having a word with your chef? I know a kitchen environment can be really high pressure and in the heat of the moment they can be quite intimidating, but a good head chef will always have time for a chat and I'm sure it would help a lot. If they're not able to provide that support then personally I would suggest it might not be the kitchen for you. Life's to short and kitchen hours are too long to waste time where you don't belong.


E2A "keep it short" :rofl:

Edited by MindSoup
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has anyone tried chanting 'ohm' and making your vagus nerve vibrate when anxious?


i had a chap who i was walking the dog with tell me about it, turns out he's a trauma councillor, what are the odds! that really helps me when shit gets bad, it's no cure, but it can be helpful. worth looking into the reasons for it, and made me realise why people have been doing it for years.

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Splashing/dunking your face in cold water also stimulates the vagus nerve, lots of interesting stuff to read on the topic.

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