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Salve Advice Needed


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Good Afternoon all.   I am trying to make my first cannabis salve for my mother who suffers from arthritis of the knee.  My idea was to use natural beeswax, MCT coconut oil and a lemon essential oil, but I’ve heard that you can use olive oil instead of MCT - Would this be standard olive oil or extra virgin olive oil? 

Also, I have a bunch of White Widow trimmings that will go in the salve.  Haven’t yet tried any CBD dominant grows yet, so I’m just working with what I’ve got.

Does anyone have any advice on this subject please?

Edited to add: I have a Magic Butter maker but have not used this for anything other than butters.  Would a slow cooker method work?

Edited by Marylou
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Use the magic butter machine for MCT or oils. It works great!!  I've made lots of MCT and teaspoon in morning coffee soon get me off my nut. Most I done is 3 tablespoons in protein shake which was a roller coaster of day/high. 


@KC. Has lot of experience in this. 

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@growinggold I've never done a salve mate, I did try rubbing coconut oil into my arm once as I heard that works but it did nothing for me. I think it was after my first covid jab, arm was killing for about 4 days.

Sorry can't help Marylou :sorry:


I'm sure someone here will have done some though.

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Sorry mate my mistake thought you'd done it all the amount tech you ave. Surly it will just be same as rubbing MCT cann oil on you. Bit deep massage.

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I've read a bit about it, but never made it.



In theory, I can't think of why Olive Oil wouldn't be appropriate. It's very common as a lipid in soaps. Extra Virgin is the first pressing of an olive.  It's fruitier in flavor and more green in color. It seems to have a lower smoke point that more refined olive oils. The other "grades" are just the pressings after the first.  It's more of a flavor thing, but I'd have to assume you get more "Stuff" out of the olive on the first pressing.  Whether that impacts salve making positively or not, who knows. 


My understanding is that the ingredients, and ratios, determine texture and melt-resistance.



If you used straight, virgin Coconut oil, for example, it would melt in a lot of higher room-temp situations.  The beeswax creates resistance to auto-melt and probably does some sort of hippie shit, too.



In theory, the proportions of wax/fat/adjunct ingredients is what matters more so than what they actually are, assuming they're in the same wheelhouse.



You can't sub Tartar Sauce for olive oil and expect a good result, you get what I'm saying, I'm sure. 



Mess with the ingredients but rely on known-good proportions of wax/oil/accessorizing ingredients and see how it goes.  Easy enough to make up small, sub-batches to test variability.  




Watch out with the essential oils in a topical application, if you're not used to using them.



I spilled a container of cinnamon oil on myself as a child.  NOT fun. NOT recommended.  




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Made some salve recently for my Aunt who has been diagnosed with Basal Cell Carcinoma. They've done a biopsy but she's not being seen until Feb! The hope is we'll have it all cleared up before her appointment. If the Canna gods are playing ball that is.


I just used regular olive oil but I imagine extra virgin would work the same. The olive oil is to modulate the consistency of the salve bees wax and coconut oil are both pretty solid at room temperature the addition of olive oil makes the salve a very similar consistency to hand cream. 


As for making it I just did my regular coconut oil extraction using a double boiler then combined then strained the oil then added the olive oil and bees wax to the double boiler. I did a 50-50 CBD to THC ratio with 50% (by weight) of the plant matter decarbed this ensures a good amount of CBDA and THCA in the salve hope this helps and that the salve brings some relief.




Don't use your finest kitchen ware. This stuff is an absolute nightmare to clean up!


Edited by NezA
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It doesn't get you high unfortunately, but for my aunt that's a benefit anyway so all's well there. It's early days yet she only picked it up on Monday so will hopefully have an update in the not too distant future. :yep:

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Ive made rubs for a few people and they all say you don't get high except for one...

Olive oil seems to work the best or cocnut oil. Adding to a body cream for some reason changes things..not sure how or why....

The one person who was awake all night... had his wife pour it on his back..and rubbed it all in..probably very strong as well.

He's the first person I know( I believe him) that has said they actually felt a buzz from rubbing it on.....

My X uses it daily for her R Arthur Rightis

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 Hi all.  Just wanted to let you know that I made the salves.  I would insert a photo but cannot for some reason.

I used 2 cups coconut infused oil (infused with 10g trim) 1/3 beeswax and 1/3 olive oil.  Added a few drops of lemongrass essential oil too.   It just smells of coconut though.  Consistency is like a lip salve and boy it makes your skin soft.  Giving one to my mum so I’ll let you know how it works! 

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Hi @Marylou


To be able to 'insert' a photo, 

first you must upload the photo(980KB max file size) to your own gallery of images. 


Check out how to do this using the link below 





I look forward to hearing whether it was found to be effective :)




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