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Marriage breakdown, mental health, medication and cannabis


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Just now, Dodgee said:



I can't be exact mate but my GP made a referral to the PMHT for me just over 6 weeks back and I haven't heard anything yet.  Not even an assessment date.


MIND have been slightly better offering a date for an assessment and some online work in the interim.


The fastest to respond were the Drugs/Alcohol service I think that maybe because I'm an ex-client so am already on the books so to speak.  It maybe that they're just better funded/run though.


If I remember I'll let you know what time frame the PMHT reply in :yinyang:


Keep chasing it mate, GP's tend to be the bottleneck with these things due to them not actually firing the referral in til they remember it.  There's a reason they're GPs (lol) and GPs don't run by the same rules as the rest of the NHS since most of them tend to be private practices funded by the NHS.  It's a fucked up system, but then some cunts would vote Tory. :rolleyes:

I'm assuming you all know the trigger word to get you to see your local CMHT within 7 days though, aye?

Edited by JamieThePainter
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Yeah I do :yinyang:


As it goes I'm not actually in crisis right now so won't exercise that particular method.


If I was I would though. 100%


I'm just hoop jumping/box ticking for the benefit of SS amongst others this time around.


Damage limitation exercise like :yinyang:

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Just now, Dodgee said:

Yeah I do :yinyang:


As it goes I'm not actually in crisis right now so won't exercise that particular method.


If I was I would though. 100%


I'm just hoop jumping/box ticking for the benefit of SS amongst others this time around.


Damage limitation exercise like :yinyang:


Quite right, mate, it's what they're there for.  Keep at your GP though, 9 times out of 10 they'll think you're at it, so you just need to keep pestering the pricks til they get you through to the folks who don't think that.

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The funding for mental health services is really pitiful these days. My mum used to work exclusively for a charity offering free counseling to young people, in 2010 the waiting period was 2 weeks. Roll on 11 years, she's now had to move into the private sector to get enough work/money, whilst doing as much charity stuff as possible, the waiting list is over a year !!! For suicidal kids FFS..... 


And they tell me as I grow older I'll become more conservative lol More militant more like. 

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@MindSoup Agreed, mate.  The amount of charities we need to rely on to get mental health patients housed and looked after is insane.  These places should be properly funded by the society that they're actively serving and not relying on hand outs. 

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crisis team here were a joke when i was in serious need in 2010 (i had a breakdown), they assessed me in less than half an hour and fucked off leaving me with a three week wait until i could see an addiction professional, that was the extent of their help. i had been suicidal for several days, they were cunts imo.


as it happened that wasn't really going to need help with booze and my doc bless him, after i phoned the practice yet again begging for help he responded by getting me into the local nhs mental health clinic immediately for some "meetings with others in the same situation" lol after a couple of weeks i was feeling able to continue with life lol , but that was the single most scary time in my life. crisis team my fat hairy arse!



luckily i have not been suicidal again since, but fuck me that's a feeling i thought i would never have, and never want again, to be brushed off like that was unreal.



i have seen a counsellor on the nhs, about 5 years later, and she was hands down the best thing that happened, recognized my need for rehab this time for pills and the shit that was accompanying it and probably saved my life.

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Another one with some experience in these areas. 

Counselling will help more than antidepressants will but they can still help some people. I wasn't one of them unfortunately. They made me worse but weed makes me feel lovely. Weed is my medicine, it's good for my soul and helps me heal. However, like any medicine too much is a bad thing. If I smoke too much I get anxiety and become a bit of a lazy hermit. Maybe try a CBD strain with mild Thc. 

Smoking the pain away is tempting but counselling is what you need to get you through this hard time. You're allowed to feel depressed when bad shit happens. It's a natural reaction. Remember that feeling bad over a situation doesn't change the situation or the other person, it changes you. If you dwell too much it will change you for the worse. Grieve the loss of your marriage, get some counselling, even if it's just reading some self help books. 

Time is a great healer and even though this new chapter of your life may not have been of your choosing, I encourage you to embrace it and turn it around. 

I'm currently enjoying a particularly nasty bout of depression but much of it is brought on by circumstances. Getting a coping mechanism is the key and I think I'm getting there. I had a huge amount of life changing shit all happen in a really short space of time recently so it's been a very hard battle but these battles are winnable.

We got this 

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