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Marriage breakdown, mental health, medication and cannabis


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1 hour ago, Larry Badgeley said:

I really find the "recommendations" of people on here to be nothing short of irresponsible.


I understand your position but I respectfully disagree. From what I understand and from personal experience Psilocybin is no more likely to do damage than a lot of the prescribable meds. It's an ancient medicine that dates back thousands of years, safe/therapeutic doses are very well documented. I'm not taking about getting of your Swede at a rave I'm talking about careful, responsible use in a controlled setting, something I personally have found invaluable in my battle against depression and anxiety. There are already trials, completed and ongoing and they're all very promising. It's important to remember that like cannabis, the risks of use have been massively exaggerated by the media over the years and the potential health benefits swept under the rug, I firmly believe that if research hadn't been stopped all those years ago MDMA and psychedelics would be part of mainstream therapy. 

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The stop drinking thing (if you do) definitely resonates with me, when I'm in a good place it's all well and good, but it definitely heightens my mental health issues when they rear their ugly head, and once I'm down there makes it near impossible to get back out. I personally don't find weed makes much difference, I've tried cutting it out at times but it's never really changed anything. On the flip side though I have a few mates that I wish would just stop smoking altogether, it really does mess with some people's heads. I have a mate who's stuck in a loop, the weed fucks him up, he quits his job, maybe disappears for a few days, then quits for a few weeks/months, gets better, and then starts smoking again, and I just have to sit back and watch him decline, nothing I've tried allows him to see the bigger picture, and its hard to listen to someone tell you to stop smoking when they're high themselves.

Edited by MindSoup
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when my wife started her menopause near 30 years ago, she became unfriendly towards me leading to pure hatred, spent 15 years living with it, i nearly left once but ended up sticking it out, was an absolute nightmare very depressing, i never go see a doctor always thought cannabis would see me through everything, when the menopause came to an end she was not as bad but loveless towards me no affection, then she became very ill and i nursed her through it till she died this year, not sure how i feel now is like living in a void, using cannabis definitely works for me and growing my own fills time and makes sure i dont run out. never been a drinker or pill popper. 

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8 minutes ago, MindSoup said:


I understand your position but I respectfully disagree. From what I understand and from personal experience Psilocybin is no more likely to do damage than a lot of the prescribable meds. It's an ancient medicine that dates back thousands of years, safe/therapeutic doses are very well documented. I'm not taking about getting of your Swede at a rave I'm talking about careful, responsible use in a controlled setting, something I personally have found invaluable in my battle against depression and anxiety. There are already trials, completed and ongoing and they're all very promising. It's important to remember that like cannabis, the risks of use have been massively exaggerated by the media over the years and the potential health benefits swept under the rug, I firmly believe that if research hadn't been stopped all those years ago MDMA and psychedelics would be part of mainstream therapy. 


I have no doubt that prescribed meds CAN do damage especially long term. But I'm no expert having never suffered from mental health issues so maybe I'm not the best person to comment, and for that I can hold my hands up.


As I said In a controlled setting. I know MDMA and Psychedelics COULD be beneficial it's just that if left to one's own devices they COULD be very dangerous. I know it. I was a very experienced user of Mushrooms and LSD. Took loads in my teens and early twenties. Generally fine until the fateful night I dropped a Sunshine with 2 mates at my parents house when they were away. 2 hours later the mates started to feel very strange and left me on my own in the house. It was hands down the worst experience I have ever had. I was convinced the Devil was in the house, I could smell burning, the harder I told myself it was just the Acid the worse it got.  I had to get out of the house. It took my a very long time to come down and recover.  I never took either again until my late 20's in Thailand when I had a Mushroom Omelette, it never got any better. I had a bad time there also.


On a weed note. Never had an issue with Cannabis. I have been a regular toker since 1978. However I am not a fan of smoking on my own, never have been. It's a social drug in my opinion. One friend who used to smoke a lot, on his own, got Psychosis. Ended up getting sectioned. This was, by the way, in the late 70's way before the media jumped onto the "skunk" bandwagon.

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@Larry Badgeley Just for the record (as I'm sure you're aware) the experiences /kind of use you're describing are not what I was recommending. Like you say they're powerful substances that need to be treated with respect and I think you're right to make sure that fact is pointed out. But at the same time so are all the anti depressants/muscle relaxants/anti psychotics that so many doctors seem to hand out like sweets (I'm not against any medication as long as its used properly and for the right reasons) I've had mates go completely bonkers cos the doctors given them something and just left them to it. It's very encouraging that therapy is being prescribed more and more, but unfortunately some people still have to wait upwards of a year for government funded counseling and private is often unaffordable for most, something I can't see improvi with this government in power. 


Anyway I'm waffling and derailing this post. @northeastbudlover I hope you get back to a good place soon, whichever path is right for you will present itself I'm sure. 


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My advise would be to knock the weed on the head for abit and get your self to the gym 


I truly belive the best medication for depression is the gym well it is for me anyway it seriously works wonders set yourself goals in the gym weather weight training or fitness give it a week or two you will feel like a differnt person eat a little bit healthier aswell 


Hope you get sorted pal atb 

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1 hour ago, hash72 said:

when my wife started her menopause near 30 years ago, she became unfriendly towards me leading to pure hatred, spent 15 years living with it, i nearly left once but ended up sticking it out, was an absolute nightmare very depressing, i never go see a doctor always thought cannabis would see me through everything, when the menopause came to an end she was not as bad but loveless towards me no affection, then she became very ill and i nursed her through it till she died this year, not sure how i feel now is like living in a void, using cannabis definitely works for me and growing my own fills time and makes sure i dont run out. never been a drinker or pill popper. 

It gets bad when you notice the unfriendly side. I mean I don't think I changed that much during my relationship but she definitely did. I just probably became more annoying. Anyway regardless sounds like you are a good man and she was lucky to have you around. It sounds like a tough one, hopefully you are on the road to feeling happiness and not so voided. Sounds like you deserve it

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Sorry to hear @northeastbudlover I knocked the weed on the head for a few weeks after I broke up with the mother of my daughter. It just made my racing mind worse. Weed is for when you can see the beauty in things again and for me at that stage the only thing beautiful was my ex. You should get out walking, go for a couple of beers a couple of times a week, connect with old friends, go to.a new place, learn piano, new hobby all helps to some degree. Until you have done all those things I wouldnt start taking the meds. The pub was a help for me but came at the cost of me drinking and sniffing coke but defo helped at the time getting stuff of my chest to new people. Not that I'd recommend that Haha, probably made me beat myself up more after but time does heal

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Pretty shit situation and been there myself bud.  Some good advice in here, some not so good and always will be the case on a message board that is open to suggestions. 


In my experience, it wouldn't be so wise to cut out the weed entirely (build up to that if so desired), especially if a wake and baker.  Wiser to cut down for instance and little by little whilst occupying the time spent toking with something else on a gradual curve.  Perhaps a small project or something and doesn't have to be an expensive task.  Just something that you can remember from when you were a kid that you've forgotten about as a result of the daily grind and incorporation into the matrix.  Perhaps something creative that allows you a space to focus on you and what it is you are creating.  


With regards to the head meds, be wary and far better to reduce consumption of chemicals in combination with a good heart to heart with a listener that judges not as opposed to looking for the chemical crutch, GP's favour as the chemical route can result in a behavioural loop in which you find yourself never really moving forwards beyond a cyclical pattern of ups and downs.  There are counselling services available but NHS favours quick solutions such as CBT which, unless the methods are taught correctly, can also be a bit hit and miss too.   


Nature is always good, some angling on a river bank, lake or the coast if available and a walk in the mountains with a pack/equipment and rations for a bit of stealth under the stars can also be of assistance when the mind chatter is getting a bit much.  Nature helps immeasurably and even just the simple observation of watching some ants going about their business can put many things into context when out there and beyond the noise of society.  It facilitates reflection about who it is you wish to be and aids a reset in order for you to engage with that.  Lastly, try and remember, the past is not who you are as now is what exists and tomorrow is whatever you choose it to be.


Atb :yinyang: 



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Just now, hash72 said:

i was 22 when i met my wife 75 when she left me forever


I'm so sorry to hear about this mate, I can only imagine how hard it must be. Have you got some support? Maybe a bereavement group? It really helped my grandmother when she lost my grandfather, it was quite an abusive relationship, he was very controlling, and after he was gone she really didn't know what to do with herself. Few years down the line she's got a whole new lease on life with a lovely supportive boyfriend, never seen her so happy in my life. 


I know none of us know each other, but I'm just a message away if someone ever needs a kind ear. Too many of us suffer in silence and sometimes just telling someone makes things a little easier.

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As a daily smoker with decades of experience I'm surprised to see so many recommending a break. Waiting until after dinner would be as far as I would go.


Anyway, I've never taken antidepressants but have had periods of poor mental health. I would say make sure the boxes below are ticked before scoffing meds which will inevitably have side effects.


Daily exercise.

Daily sunlight.

Limited phone staring.

Nutritious food.

Make a list and get some shit done every day before getting blasted.

At least weekly moderate drinking in good company, at least 3 but not more than 5 pints.

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I took Venlafaxine from the age of 21 when my father decided to blow his brains out, until I recently finished my first grow at 33. I wouldn't mix it with cannabis to be honest. It doesn't change anything. When I vape, I feel like a million dollars. Finding the right strain/pheno is key. I found the blueberry pheno from Dinafem blueberry cookies to be my rock to lean on. I was taking 300mg of Venlafaxine, but it's been an absolute cunt to wean myself off of. I cut my intake from 300mg by 50mg a month, it still gives me these weird shooting pains through my brain like I'm unable to move for a few seconds. Mother nature knows best. It took me at least 3/4 months to get off the prescription stuff. But I still feel the odd brain malfunction like I used to. I've broken up with my partner who decided to fuck off to Poland with my autistic son (4 in December) after a long problematic relationship with my neighbour underneath. She's now got another man in her life, I'm by myself & have know one to rely on. If you need any info or help, remember, you're never alone.

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I think my friend might have been on that, gave him crazy stabbing pains in his head and fits of rage, glad to hear you've managed to get off of them mate, it's weird how one compound can work so well for some but so badly for others. 

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I'm sure @Boojum has had a nightmare trying to come off venlafaxine.


Pretty much what you guys above described, brain zaps I think he called it.


Sounds fucking awful.  


I've been on mirtazapine for years at various doses and if I ever stop for awhile the worse that happens is I struggle getting to sleep and my appetite disappears.


For myself the sedation and increased appetite that others find a problem are both big positives.  Near enough the only reasons I still use it tbh.

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