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Jamaican Pick Me Up........


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whilst enjoying the christmas i happened to visit a friends,and when we got talking,

and vapourising (a no-smoking household) but they do eat the old herb.....

anyway,he started telling me about an old jamaican fella who works at his place,

gave him a recipe for a drink,apparntly when he was young, the 5 older brothers of his jamacian man would never allow him to smoke it,(even though they did) but they made him this drink instead,he swears that it keeps him fit and healthy....

"have you got any" i asked,(i dont even drink alcohol) i was intrigued.......

"wait there he says" "i'll go get you a glass"........

as i chatted to his wife,in he comes with this red looking liquid in a glass, i took a sip..... ppppphhhhhewwww...

it had that spirit kick,i dont like spirits(i dont like any type of ghoul) but i couldn't let that get in the way,so i held me nose and knocked it back,it made me feel a lot warmer,almost immediately and had an almost cough mixture taste,which isn't far from the truth,as it cleared my cold ladden chest quickly enough,..... the hit was different to just eating it,had to explain,but a very chatty hit,conversations flowed

easily,not like the cookies,where you get more introverted hit,conversations are best kept short when on cookies,as it can be an effort to talk...

i wouldn't have it all the time but for those couple of shots on rare occasions,it's another way to enjoy the beautiful herb...

here is his recipe ...

get a empty spirit bottle,fill with trimmings and stalks,then add...

1/3 jamacian rum

1/3 brandy

1/3 port

he left his for 8 months then filtered out the leaf bits

well worth the wait.........


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it get's rid of cold sores aswell,(the higher the concentrate of thc the better)

the alcohol cleans it,the thc attacks the sore.....

jobs a goodun


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  • 1 month later...

I too am not a big drinker ... but right about now i'd love to sit down with a big glass of this stuff ....



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i made some firewater with tequila and stalks, left it for a month or so and got my mate to test it incase it was vile. he had about a double and can't remember the rest of the night lol. great stuff. i may have to try that jamaican recipe tho :D

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  • 1 year later...

one last thing :wassnnme:

does it matter what percent of the alchy is used?.. should i go for the most % i can find?

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