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Sand On Buds ?????


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Has anyone heard of commercial weed being sprayed with fine sand to make it heavier? I've got some and I'm convinced it's been covered with something. Looks good, not strong smell or taste though and left gritty stuff in my mouth when puffed. Not impressed!!


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Guest Yoda Indica

its cement , or concrete..

lately there's been discssion in the netherlands ( after a comprimising story in a weed mag , i believe it was Highlife magazine)

In this article , several ways of making weed heavier were displayed.

they take fresh weed , still on the plant otherwise just simply wet buds..)

then they take some huge fans..and a bag of concrete powder mix ... and just toss the mix in the air

this way the concrete is being blown straight into the buds...

then they dry the whole.,.. making it virtually impossible to detect , when buying 5 kilos of the weed.

it's a way of boosting up the weight..and theres littlyyou can do , except for rolling fat spliffs, and hoping for the best.( and of course you can stop buying weed, and start growing in wardrobes..)

Edited by Yoda Indica
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i dont think its sand but i hae noticed of late the shit import always seems to be gritty in fact whenever i buy weed no i chew a sick as i know nothing i have ever produced has been gritty not even hen grown in soil :headpain: i have a few theorys to.

1) they are rolling it in small pieces if sugar, glass or other fine powder after tumblin trichs off.

2)they dutch have made a spray for when the buds been tumbled that as the liquid evapourates there are crystals like from a child crystal growin kit. ive looked at the suspicious through a magnifyer and the arnt a clear circular droplets off yummyness there square cut and very hard even had reports of people coughing up blood.

its a shame that money/greed is now destroying the herb :doh:

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im feeling for you lads all these soap and cement buds stories have turned me off even visiting Europe. it seems alot safer where i am. Never heard of weed laced with but a few bugs and dust from outdoors..

These growers should lookinto using silica that adds alittle weight and slower burning, but cement plain bad.

Oh greed destroying weed NEVER, in no time weed will be killing people, well not the actual THC or plant mater. Just what we need as laws here are about to be amended..

Edited by SnAp CrAcKLe pOp
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Guest Yoda Indica

it''s the laws that make the herb become so high in price , that people cannot resist the temptation of mixing in garbage.

If there would not be a law against herb , there would be plenty for everyone, and no one would cough up blood from smoking a spliff.

If people dont phone their local and national politicians at least once a month, no one will listen.

Change the law, and maybe also break the law meanwhile.(Grow your own herb asap , instead of bringing all that cash to your dealer , who sounds like a shitty one too.)

Maybe shit has to hit the fan first before proper action is taken.

maybe people have to become reeeaaly upset before a just and proper change of law can be made.


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sounds nasty, it could have been dipped in brix before drying, its a sugary liquid that adds weight to the final product if dipped before dryed. it shouldnt do you any harm as its almost pure sugar if i remember right.

wouldnt use it in my life but have heard of it been used a lot more in comercial ops.

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I know exactly what you men my last bit of green had some sort of grit on it made me cough like a C*nt, and every time you close your mouth you think you’ve bust your teeth when you here Crunch, makes me so angry :yinyang:, Though on the other hand beggars cant be choosers :wink:

(Cant wait to get my grow going again) :yinyang:

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It's not the brix ,im sure of that .

What about silica sand?

My herb's better than all that Import ,they can keep their fuckin sand /concrete laced tasteless crap.

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It's a disgrace isn't it. The things people will do for greed. What I want to know is if people buy and consume this stuff on a regular basis because it's all that is available? I think I'd rather give up than smoke that shite.

The guy I got it from is genuine and I think he's just made a mistake. He got some and realised it was shite a few years back and took it back with no probs, so I'll see him today and find out what he plans to do.

BTW, I'm only smoking dealer weed as I messed up my calculations and have to wait for 15 of these little sog babies to grow!! Day 49 today! Hopefully they will tide me over until my 'Sour Cream' finish.

Apologies for posting this in the wrong place btw.



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Oooh Sour Cream sound's great ,Im liking the look of DNA's new stock.

Nice scrog, what ya got in there?

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I have come across both sand and sugar bud :wink:

In this neck of the woods it seems the usual bud to be tampered with is what we call 'Compressed bud or compresser' and it is pants, smokes like burnt toast and can often be in a bad condition (bud rot) :yahoo:

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Guest Yoda Indica

hate to make you guys feel even worse

but imagine smoking sugar..

would caramel coating of your lungs do you any good ?

(cheap ciggies got that flavour too)

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I've had it too :yinyang: . I thought it was originally shavings from my cheap metal grinder but even switching to the plastic one left the same gritty sandy crunchy bastard stuff in the mouth.

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descusting stuff, especially if you smoke blunt like myself YACK

the health risks of cannabis??? this is the major health risk for fuck sake -dealers tampering :(

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