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Metal Halide

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I have a female seeds grapefruit plant that doesn't seem to want to re-veg. :smoke:

It was a mother plant under 2x30w flourescant lamps in a wardrobe. One of the bulbs went and I took a few days to get a replacement as I didn't think it was that important. By the time I put the new bulb in, I noticed that she had started to flower. I thought that once she was under the 2 bulbs again she would re-veg pretty quickly but she didn't. Anyway, I took a cutting and stuck the mother in my flower room, thinking that I may as well flower her out and reveg the cutting.

The (ex) mother is now 7 weeks in flower and due to be chopped at the weekend. It's a pretty weird looking plant with lots of single-bladed leaves, but it's only been stuck in the corner of the room and it'll give me an ounce or two, so no worries. ;) I half expected it to hermie, but no nanas as yet.

The cutting is 8 weeks old now and is still throwing out single-bladed leaves. I put the light on to 24hrs about 4 weeks ago (it was 18/6) but it hasn't made any difference. It's in a 5" pot of B&Q seedling compost and looks healthy enough, apart from the weird single-bladed leaves. It's been mainly on water only, but has had a couple of weak veg feeds.


Since female seeds seem to have gone to the wall, I doubt I'd be able to get their grapefruit again. The mother was more a case of keeping the genetics rather than having a big mother plant which I took loads of cuttings from. it's a lovely plant, decent yielder, nice smoke, nice 'heady' high, so I'd be gutted if I can't get it sorted. :rofl:

Could it be anything to do with the fact that it was grown originally from a feminised seed? Or does re-vegging just take longer than I thought?

Any help most appreciated. :)

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Revegging can take a hell of a long time.......depends on the strain.

I've just revegged an apollo outside, and that took almost 3 months to take hold.

ATB ;)

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Revegging can take a hell of a long time.......depends on the strain.

I've just revegged an apollo outside, and that took almost 3 months to take hold.

ATB ;)

Cheers for the reply dude. Looks like it will just take a while longer then. That's good news as I love my grapefruit :smoke:

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